Example sentences of "which can not [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What is at stake in this , and in the work of a number of other writers whom Neale acknowledged , is a sensitivity to generic difference as much as to repetition , and , in particular , to generic difference which can not simply be assigned to the magical agency of authorship .
2 However , that will not be possible if third party consents , etc. are required which can not previously be sought because of confidentiality .
3 The problem is one which can not ultimately be resolved in pedagogy but it needs to be recognized , not in negative terms as a licence either for imposing fixed ideas or for random expediency , but as a positive incentive for continuing enquiry , which will be sensitive to the circumstances of different learning/teaching situations .
4 Another problem arose in 1916 , which can not easily be explained without reference to the proposed ‘ Home Rule ’ in Ireland that had developed under the government of Asquith which introduced the Home Rule Act 1914 .
5 Even among the industrial economies there are vast differences which can not easily be explained .
6 This is a conflict of interest which can not easily be overcome and hardly augurs well for the future reconciliation of the differences between the agricultural and non-agricultural rural population .
7 The reason for this specialization is our need to understand this specific and unique method of accounting which can not easily be understood from a commercial accounting perspective .
8 This can take the form of assessing the situation or bringing into consideration other factors ( political climate , human values , competitors ' stance ) which can not easily be quantified .
9 It should then contain a generative formulation which can not easily be suppressed or denied ( T. Turner 1977 ) , for such domains of power lying between functional systems of control and disorder are , as Victor Turner ( 1977 : 45 ) reminds us , ‘ not merely reversive , they are often subversive , representing radical critiques of the central structures [ of a system ] ’ .
10 The term acquisition is more frequently associated with the child 's mastery of higher-order understanding which can not easily be reduced to the additive effect of different learning experiences .
11 For instance , a product may carry a price which can not easily be reduced or discounted , for instance because of the need to cover heavy Research and Development costs .
12 For a working constitution in a democracy implies reference to certain norms and standards which lie beyond and outside the document itself , and which can not easily be inferred from it by someone who is not steeped in the history and culture of the country concerned .
13 Secondly , different countries have different needs and tastes which can not easily be taken into account in making comparisons .
14 Section 69 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 entitles any party to a defamation action to require a trial by jury , " unless the court is of the opinion that the trial requires any prolonged examination of documents or accounts or any scientific or local investigation which can not conveniently be made by a jury " .
15 Text c is intended for specific addressees , not for the general public , and it is hard for the general public to interpret without access to shared presuppositions and previous experience which can not comfortably be forced into the framework proposed by Lewis .
16 He can imagine a variety of possible discontinuities , as I have done here , and he may use each of these to construct an alternative scenario ; but this by no means exhausts the possible discontinuities , most of which can not even be conceived at the moment .
17 In the innumerable African models , men , women and children are forever on the move , making and remaking , in a single lifetime , domestic forms which can not logically be called households … marriage … in Africa is an extremely fragile bond .
18 An appendix lists all 221 equations used by the program , and a redefined special functions section deals with non-linear equations which can not normally be solved by the one-pass direct solution methods used in TableCurve .
19 The figures on marketable wealth exclude the value of occupational pensions which can not normally be sold .
20 One problem of assignment has already been encountered : in Chapter 9 we saw how , although and are clearly distinct in most contexts , there are other contexts where we find a sound which can not clearly be said to belong to one or other of these two phonemes .
21 Inevitably we are moved in the direction of using proxies which can not properly be validated .
22 Also there are elements in these sculptures which can not properly be understood if one has not first considered the contemporary revolution in painting .
23 This issue involves mixed questions of fact and law which can not satisfactorily be resolved at this stage .
24 It is not just the lies about the life , some of which can not now be disbelieved .
25 The Okapi '86 procedure would be improved by the use of an exception list containing words which can not safely be made singular or have an " ing " ending removed ( " rights " " housing " " painting " ) .
26 The dock company obtained planning permission to operate the dock as a commercial port , which can not sensibly be done other than on a 24-hour basis .
27 Timothy O'Riordan , of the University of East Anglia , thinks sustainability might be accepted as the ‘ mediating term ’ between developers and environmentalists , although he leans to the view that it will eventually languish as a ‘ good idea ’ which can not sensibly be put into practice .
28 This presupposes a homogeneity of units which can not always be supported in fact , but the individual investigator must take decisions on this problem in each case as it arises .
29 I have bought Today 's Horse since the beginning and I am happy to say that it is getting better and better — something which can not always be said for the other horsy magazines , which are often repetitive and patronising .
30 In languages with honorifics , honorific concord can thus become an intricate aspect of morphology , which can not always be treated formally without reference to the socially deictic values of particular morphemes .
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