Example sentences of "which were [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the examples she used , which were all in the empirical mode , it was the case that the event following because was the one which happened first .
2 Thus , if in all the columns which were critical in the preceding tableau , the current tableau must contain at least one new critical column , which means that the current tableau is optimal over a non-degenerate interval .
3 In addition to two charges of perjury and two counts of making false statements , he was also charged with having obstructed the investigation by concealing the existence of extensive personal notes which were relevant to the clandestine 1985-86 operation to sell arms to Iran and to divert the profits to assist the right-wing " contra " rebels in Nicaragua .
4 Among the writings of Ruricius , Avitus and Ennodius are numerous letters of friendship , or amicitia , which were one of the traditional means of cultivating and maintaining contact with one 's peer group .
5 According to press reports , which were lurid in the extreme , Fleck had failed to pay his wife maintenance money totalling nearly £4,000 .
6 The Japanese Foreign Minister , Michio Watanabe , told Akashi that the government was prepared to pay a higher rate for refugee resettlement and for economic reconstruction operations , both of which were separate from the UNTAC budget .
7 Organisms resistant to penicillin , particularly staphylococci , became a major problem by about 1960 , especially in hospitals , and accelerated the search for alternative antibiotics and for modifications of penicillin which were resistant to the bacterial penicillinases .
8 Soon he realised that the coveralls which were visible on the far bank were Navy dark blue and not Survey Service drab grey .
9 Hahnemann found that many substances which were inactive in the crude form became active therapeutic agents when treated in this way .
10 The elements of national life which were consistent with the new world order were solely cultural , not political or economic .
11 Built of stone rubble faced with ashlar ( stone dressed to a smooth finish ) and Roman tiles , the original polygonal tower may have been 80 feet high , but it had fallen into ruin by medieval times and was partly rebuilt , probably in the reign of Henry V. It still stands to a height of 40 feet , however , and we can see the original windows which were tiny on the outside walls to prevent draughts interfering with the flames of the beacon at the top .
12 There was no counterbalancing emphasis on the aggressive and provocative activities of the rival Juventus supporters ( which were apparent in the live television coverage of the game ) , or the fact that there were confrontations between Belgian police and Italian supporters prior to the game .
13 Some time ago it was suggested that three east coast sites , at Brough-on-Humber , Caister-by-Yarmouth and Rochester , possessed late second or early third-century fortifications which were different from the general run of urban defences of this date .
14 Earlier studies of services in the 1930s and 1940s which were concerned with the long-term trajectory of industrial economies tended to define services in a negative rather than a positive manner — that is , by what they were not .
15 These were resisted by Italy and the Netherlands which were happy with the low level of world prices , and by West Germany which preferred to protect its own coal industry through subsidies — a route which , under the Treaty of Paris , the High Authority was forbidden to consider .
16 It has always looked a bit ramshackle , with its claustrophobic nets , which were gas-lit until the 1960s .
17 In their first public appearances these pupils performed tableaux and dances in church pageants , which were popular in the 1880s .
18 In 1972 it was realised that this property depended on a separate histamine receptor ( H2 ) which was different from histamine ( H1 ) receptors in the lung and elsewhere , which were responsible for the allergic action of histamine .
19 The only possibility is that information from the context was used to eliminate from the cohort items which were inconsistent with the preceding context .
20 The intellectual principles which were common to the broad formation — open rational inquiry , the development of morality through education , opposition to oppression and to arbitrary laws — were specifically composed into novels which integrated individual lives and social and moral circumstances by a new formal integration of ‘ character ’ and ‘ plot ’ , with the founding assumption that character and action grew together out of circumstances and could be altered only by their general alteration .
21 Their expeditions recalled the all-male cultural sprees which were commonplace before the first war …
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