Example sentences of "which had been [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the drama departments there was a general welcome for the move away from written papers , which had been seen by many drama specialists as a cause of confusion between drama and English literature , with students often finding it difficult to respond to the change in emphasis towards a set text that this involved .
2 Mr. Long also said that Mr. Thurgood had helped calm things down when the fight , which had been caused by another customer , broke out .
3 A mystery surrounded his death which was assiduously played up by the media in suggesting every kind of melodramatic possibility , the favourite being that poor Hugh Gaitskell had been stabbed with the sharp ferrule of an umbrella , the end of which had been treated with some poisonous concoction .
4 The Battersea Congress of the Party , to which this complaint was later addressed , gave official backing to a scheme which had been projected for some time , a Revolutionary Trade Union Opposition to unite the various unofficial movements which had been growing up in many important unions .
5 Their roots lay deep in the shell-holes and in the earthen barricades which had been erected with such sectarian conviction more than a decade before .
6 Relations with China , which had been strained for many years since the 1962 war between the two countries , gradually improved after Rajiv Gandhi 's visit to Beijing on Dec. 19-23 , 1988 , the first to China by an Indian Prime Minister for 34 years .
7 A vertical thread on the chart showed the actual number of vehicles which had been completed to that stage at a given time .
8 Unemployment rose from a level of about 10% ( which had been maintained throughout most of the '20s ) to a high of 23% in 1932 .
9 Nearly one-third of domestic consumers in 1948 were on very high flat-rate tariffs designed for small users , but these were gradually induced by Area Boards to shift to ‘ two-part ’ or ‘ block ’ tariffs which had been adopted by most of the larger , progressive undertakings before nationalisation .
10 Examples were used in the report to indicate the approaches to enlist the help of parents which had been adopted in some schools .
11 The agenda included 13 draft documents , which had been prepared on all aspects of strategic and general purpose armed forces .
12 Although I had respect for Harry Thubron and Frank Lisle , the message of Basic Design was in , many ways much less important to schools of general education than the work which had been developed to such a pitch of excellence by Basil .
13 The tunnel had taken several months to build and some of the accusations which had been made against these same people now looked rather silly .
14 Thereupon one of the companions of our bishop took a stone which had been blessed by all the people of God and hurled it from his sling after the manner of David .
15 The current bases agreement , which had been revised on several occasions since its original signature in March 1947 , allowed the USA to use several military installations , including the huge facilities at Clark Field and Subic Bay , respectively the largest US Air Force and naval base outside North America .
16 James chatting with the Earl of Farrow outside Farrow Hall , which had been used for many of the exterior shots in Pemberley .
17 The experience curve itself was developed from the concept of the learning curve , which had been used for many years in industries where it was observed that labour time fell as the workforce accumulated experience in producing more of a particular type of unit .
18 That suspicion of the referendum or plebiscite which we noted was partly based on the fact that it is a device which had been used by some dictators and despots to give their rule at least the semblance of a basis in popular consent .
19 Sovetskaya Rossiya , ten days later , acknowledged that publication of the letter had been inopportune ; this could not disguise the fact that there were profound differences in approach at leading levels of the party , which had been reflected in both sides of the exchange .
20 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
21 There had been a trip to Yorkshire in April and another to the British Aquarist Festival in November , both of which had been enjoyed by all .
22 The recognizances which had been required from several of the most powerful nobles gave the regime an effective hold over them , and none of the movements against Mortimer had gained the support of the king himself .
23 Over 40,000 people staged a demonstration in Buenos Aires on Dec. 30 against the decision , which had been forecast for some time .
24 Here they fought bitterly with Jewish forces for control of the Jerusalem area , which had been allocated to neither side under the Partition Plan .
25 Even the shirts which had been left for many weeks in my laundry out-tray responded to the punishment it dished out .
26 He was arrested three weeks later in possession of a giro cheque which had been stolen from another woman mugged in nearby Old Kent Road .
27 Elections to the National Assembly , a body which had been suspended on several occasions since independence , were held in July 1979 , September 1984 and September 1989 .
28 The situation rapidly became chaotic , and a 250-bedded hospital , which had been allotted for these cases , contained some 1000 patients , when in 1915 Harrison was urgently called upon to sort things out .
29 Preparations to send Kirgiz peacekeeping troops , which had been elaborated following several visits by Kirgiz Vice-President Feliks Akulov to Dushanbe and the conflict regions , were cancelled by a vote in the Kirgiz Supreme Soviet in Bishkek on Oct. 14 , due to fears for the safety of Kirgiz servicemen .
30 But , even though it discouraged optimism and ruled out the possibility of progress , it did not weigh too heavily on medieval historians , particularly because the year 1000 which had been awaited by many with a mixture of hope and trepidation , had passed without any sign of the world coming to an end .
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