Example sentences of "which he be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This remark , occurring as it does in a passage in which he is distinguishing between the grounds of the class metal ( ‘ the possession of certain common peculiarities ’ ) and those of the class sensation of white ( ‘ nothing but resemblance ’ ) clearly implies that if I had had no other sensations of white I could not assert the proposition ‘ This is a sensation of white ’ with the meaning it has when I have had such sensations .
2 Does he think that he is doing a good job in alerting the country to the rapid rate of convergence at which he is aiming in the exchange rate mechanism and the possible move towards European monetary union ?
3 The most comprehensive survey of Nicholson 's art since the exhibition held at the Gulbenkian Foundation , Lisbon , and the Fondacion Juan March , Madrid , in 1987 , it is Lewison 's dress rehearsal for the major retrospective of more than one hundred works which he is organising for the Tate Gallery in the autumn of1994 .
4 Ruling over an infernal world , the President is cast in the role of Satan , while his favourite , Angel Face , is identified with Lucifer , but his rebellion takes the form of forsaking evil for good , a crime of treason for which he is banished to the bowels of the earth in the President 's deepest dungeon .
5 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
6 In each case the individual is identified either by the role which is relevant to the content of the article , or by the role by which he is known to the public .
7 According to decisions of labour courts , no legally enforceable relationship exists between the casual worker and the organization for which he is working in the times when he is not engaged by them .
8 The driver of the dust-cart , the driver of the bus , and the husband were all held to have been negligent , the husband because of the dangerous manner in which he was riding on the dust-cart .
9 Sir John Wolfenden , the then vice-chancellor of Reading University , was chosen to be its Chairman , a job which he was to hold for the three years that the Committee took to produce its Report .
10 The story the DTI report tells is of a highly successful small businessman who found himself out of his depth in the big league into which he was propelled by the Manpower acquisition .
11 Oral tradition affirms that the Camerons as well as the Stewarts of Appin were actively countenancing two , if not three , attempts on Glenure 's life on 14 May 1752 , the day on which he was shot in the back by a killer who escaped unrecognized .
12 In the wake of his book Milner received several of his most important commissions : the grounds of Wembley Park , for the tower proposed by Sir Edward Watkin [ q.v. ] in 1891 ; the enlargement of Princes Street Gardens , Edinburgh ( 1891 ) ; Gatton Park , Surrey , for ( Sir ) Jeremiah Colman ; Friar Park , Oxfordshire , for Sir Frank Crisp ; Gisselfeld , Denmark ( 1896–8 ) ; and various works on the Swedish royal gardens , for which he was invested with the award of the North Star in 1899 .
13 Bath Street , which he was building in the old centre after 1791 , is probably his finest work , with sweeping quadrant arms and a covered promenade of Ionic columns .
14 Henry VIII was horrified by what he understood of Luther 's theology , and , in an attempt to rebut it during the early 1520s , he wrote with the help of a number of court scholars the theological tract The Assertion of the Seven Sacraments , for which he was rewarded by the pope with the title ‘ Defender of the Faith ’ .
15 In 1154 he accompanied Henry to England for his coronation , after which he was rewarded by the gift of the valuable chapelry of Bosham in Sussex and the title of chief justiciar for Normandy .
16 He tries to remember accurately Flaubert , which he was combing on the plane : ‘ Their indifferent glances told him of passion dulled by daily satisfaction . ’
17 He was delayed by an accident to the Imperial Airways ' HP.42 on which he was flying on the Kisumu-Cairo-Karachi sector .
18 On the one hand his challenge to Calvin 's doctrine of predestination caused a controversy in which he was championed by the Bishop of London , who was later to urge his preferment .
19 The many underground railway schemes on which he was engaged at the time of his death had to be completed by others , but the Greathead shield is his lasting memorial .
20 But more , were one to accept the date given in the traditional account , one would also have to accept that in the space of something less than three years Molla Husrev was appointed to and then abandoned the posts to which he was appointed at the death of Hizir Bey , went to Bursa , built a medrese and taught there , and returned to Istanbul to accept the office of Mufti .
21 This was to be headed by Hayling , who became the ‘ new Pilger ’ in the position of editorial director , to which he was appointed in the New Year .
22 Sandford , a lawyer before becoming the youngest chief executive in local government , was upset when his name was leaked to the press , and Taylor is incensed to find himself suddenly only a contender for a job to which he was appointed by the League 's president , Bill Fox , in August .
23 He took the University of London Matriculation Examination in 1932 , obtaining credits or better in every subject , while still at school , as a result of which he was admitted to the University , where despite enormous handicaps , he gained a Honours B.Sc. , followed by the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in science and geology .
24 Philip of France had sent a force of Brabançons to help his brother-in-law , the opening shot in a campaign which he was to wage for the next thirty years .
25 This was the closest he would come to that association of the best " minds " sharing certain fundamental ideals which had been a preoccupation of his since the early Twenties ; and indeed it was through such encounters that he began to formulate the ideas which he was to express in The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards The Definition of Culture .
26 The heckling to which he was subjected at the Vietnam war memorial on May 31st was disturbing evidence of his failure , so far , to establish that universal respect in the country which most presidents acquire within a month of taking office .
27 He got back for July , but only to complain of ‘ the day-to-day badgering ’ to which he was subjected in the House of Commons .
28 CD regarded as his ‘ masterpiece ’ the Transfiguration , the great altar-piece on which he was working at the time of his death ; but found his Incendo del Borgo , one of the frescos ( designed by Raphael but painted by collaborators ) in the Stanze of the Vatican , an ‘ incredible caricature ’ .
29 The lengthy obituaries which he earned in the British press deserve to completed now by the publication as soon as possible of his memoirs , on which he was working to the last .
30 It was Mr Thompson who was responsible for the destruction of most of the gearing in 1952 , following which he was evicted from the mill .
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