Example sentences of "which he be [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has put down a Commons motion condemning the Defence Secretary for ‘ the arbitrary action which he is taking to extinguish the ancient rights of common [ … ] for political reasons to prevent the women 's peace camp from continuing their peaceful demonstrations ’ .
2 The Ministry is one for which Mr Toubon has long been prepared and in which he is determined to make a mark , despite the obvious difficulties of taking over from such an active and popular man as Jack Lang .
3 MICHAEL CRAWFORD , after playing for years a succession of wistful or gormless youths , last night took on a role in which he is required to age a quarter of a century .
4 This option presents the user with the list of packages for which he is required to endorse the SSR .
5 Privately British officials believe Mr Patten will now have to endure a barrage of criticism from China over the next few weeks , following Prime Minister Li Peng 's report to the 8th National Party Congress next Monday at which he is expected to lambast the colonial administration for trying to subvert China with western-style democracy .
6 Abroad , he has already attained a high respect internationally for the manner in which he is endeavouring to help the third world and to play a responsible part in eastern Europe .
7 He takes the understandable view that it is for him to take the first steps in Russia , which he is doing to keep the scientists in Russia .
8 This has n't got to much to do with his gangling , freakishly elongated frame , which he 's used to evolve a unique form of comedic body language , flapping around on stage as he does like a dislocated stick insect , the missing link between Jerry Lewis and Pee Wee Herman .
9 The system of government to which he was elected had an interesting structure and development .
10 But the disappointment as far as Mark is concerned is the British Superteen championship in which he was hoping to ride a 400cc Yamaha .
11 And , then that famous man who died just recently , Finniston was asked to er , present a report to the government about ten years ago , in which he was going to knock the heads together again and try to get some kind of er organisation which would actually get the institutions to cooperate and coordinate their activities and that was the beginning of the Engineering Council .
12 To rub it in he then scored from a free-kick ( which he was allowed to take a second time ! ) .
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