Example sentences of "which was [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dissident middle-ranking army officers staged a coup attempt in April , which was foiled the same day after heavy fighting [ see p. 37367 ] .
2 A small crowd had gathered round , buzzing with the excitement which was breaking the dull monotony of the day .
3 Inside is a circular canal enclosing a small island on which was built a fine pavilion with domed halls and a central fountain .
4 In 1907 , Sheaffer went one better and invented the lever filler , which was patented the following year .
5 He organised a demonstration on 19 September 1954 , out of which was born the National Liberation Movement ( NLM ) , a name which in the past the LPP had employed .
6 The recipe which was causing a minor commotion was for a lobster set ablaze with whisky .
7 In 1986 the leader of the Labour Party , Neil Kinnock , telephoned Malcolm Turnbull , the lawyer representing Peter Wright during the Spycatcher trial in Australia which was causing the British government and the security services endless embarrassment .
8 Dr Nicholas Parkhouse had come to Kurdestan in 1985 under arrangements set up by International Medical Relief , a body linked to the French Medecins sans Frontières which was organizing a medical assistance operation spanning both sides of the frontier at the request of KDPI leader Qassemlou .
9 The pro-Washington stance of most post-war regimes in Latin America , along with the onslaught of anti-Communist propaganda generated by the Cold War , were the main reasons for the refusal of all but three nations to have diplomatic relations with the USSR during that period , and of all but one ( Perón 's Argentina , which was undergoing a near-total trade embargo imposed by Washington ) to engage in commercial activity .
10 It comprised a platform raised on baulks above the truck on which was mounted a rectangular water tank .
11 Paralleling the Commission was the Council of Ministers , the organ of the national governments , which was to carry the main burden of coordinating policies .
12 Claudia groaned and held her head , which was holding a big-band concert of its own .
13 By January 1946 de Gaulle was also disturbed by the growing influence of the main political parties , following the October elections of a Constituent Assembly , which was to devise a new constitution .
14 For sinners , the death-bed was the stage on which was played the last act of the impending tragedy .
15 The fortunes of the Trelawney family , which was to include the famed bishop , and the Bullers , to include Sir Redvers Buller of Boer War fame , stemmed largely from the downfall of the Winslade family , long holders of the manor of Tregarrick .
16 Further changes were requested , one of which was to include the Scottish Crown in the four corners of the carpet , reflecting the one used on the ceiling of the Throne Room .
17 In that context , is not the continued closure of Bir Zeit university , which was announced the other day , an intolerable provocation , and should not it be condemned ?
18 He was still alive , as was evident from the harsh rattling breathing , which was forming a bloody froth on his pale lips .
19 The same critical and questioning attitude which was forming the new approach to the Bible was at the same time stimulating scientific study and experiment and discovering the regularities in the natural order — what were and commonly still are called ‘ the laws of nature ’ .
20 Mature students also make up the Evening Programme , which was given a major boost at the end of the year , by winning the highest award in the UK under the UFC 's scheme to promote flexible teaching .
21 West of the town is Torbane , the location where James Young discovered the oil shale which was given the geological name Torbanite ( see Broxburn ) .
22 Sociology developed markedly in the USA too , and received more widespread acceptance there than in Britain : in many ways the USA early this century was ideal sociological material — a rapidly expanding and industrialising , cosmopolitan , immigrant-based society which was experiencing a wide range of social changes .
23 And they were no longer held in check by the culturally conservative trade-union movement , which was experiencing a sharp decline in its prestige and power .
24 I once walked , or rather limped , the thirteen miles of tarmac , plagued by a protruding nail in the sole of my shoe which was digging a small crater in my heel , and during the whole journey not a single vehicle passed me .
25 The Ridgeway which was designated a national trail by the Countryside Commission in nineteen seventy-two , runs from Overton Hill in Wiltshire Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire .
26 They see the war as an unequal contest between a 30-nation coalition and a lone Arab country , the purpose of which was to destroy the only Arab state capable of standing up to Israel .
27 The National Joint Council , which was renamed the National Council of Labour in 1934 , acquired a new constitution , whereby the General Council was allowed as many representatives as the other two organisations .
28 The price of wheat is frequently used as a measure of degrees of economic hardship by historians of this period ; not every family , it is true , was totally dependent upon wheaten bread , but the steep upward price curve which was to reach an undreamt-of high of 113s. 10d. per quarter of wheat in 1800 must be a fairly accurate barometer of the plight of the poor , especially in the 1790s .
29 The clause on which they finally agreed and which was adopted the next day as part of the constitution , read instead : Persons who can hear , taking an active interest in the welfare or education of the deaf and dumb , shall be eligible for admission to ordinary membership on the recommendation of five ordinary members of the Association .
30 When I took a rolled-up sample of legal tender , printed by the Royal Mint , applied one end to my right nostril , placed a restraining finger upon my left nostril , rested the other end of the said note upon a mirror or any other shiny reflective surface , upon which was displayed a slender tranche or ‘ line ’ of exotic Colombian snuff , and breathed in as deeply as my lungs would allow , I was merely relaxing in a manner by no means untypical amongst overworked show-business operatives .
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