Example sentences of "which is be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One of the nails in the coffin of social justice in Britain is the Education Reform Bill which is being imposed against the majority of education experts consulted .
2 But Wasa Kamel , the coordinator of the project , which is being masterminded by the UN 's Industrial Development Organisation ( UNIDO ) in Vienna , says he aims at helping the developing countries by finding new products fitting their needs .
3 To make the process as uniform as possible the professionals will use standardised methods covering a range of possible problems , such as those included in the Camberwell assessment of need , which is being developed at the Institute of Psychiatry ( box 4 ) .
4 Meanwhile , Russia , and to a lesser degree Red China , must be looking on with considerable satisfaction at the indecision which is being displayed by the United States as regards her future treatment of Japan .
5 he 's looking , he 's interpreting the peasants as being a very different their nature , motivations being very different and , and they are , th that they are taking action and what he , what he 's saying here is that not only is this a peasant revolution taking place but it is a , it 's a peasant revolution which is being led by the poor
6 Erm that i it 's a rural revolution erm it is a , it 's it is a revolution which is being led by the poor and you ca n't dismiss this as , them as being riff- raff , they 're , they are the poor peasants and whether we like it or not they are leading our , our revolution .
7 These include a loan exhibition of paintings by Edmund Fairfax-Lucy at Mompesson House in Salisbury for the 1991 season and , in Wales , an exhibition on the theme of Welsh gardens which is being co-organised by the Davies Memorial Gallery , Newtown .
8 We 've been feeling for some time that our children are feeling that they 've been left alone , because er when they come to the temple they are too young to understand anything which is being explained from the stage , because er the speakers , or the preachers , have to cater for all the age groups and normally it 's for the , those who understand , already understand about Sikhism .
9 I feel that is an appropriate er investigation which is being done by the county and and the district jointly .
10 Whilst the Purchaser can accept that the Memorandum has not been prepared with the precision of a legal document ( and accordingly the warranty may require some modification ) nevertheless the core of the information contained in it has been relied on by the Purchaser in agreeing to buy the Business and to the extent that it does not appear in any of the other information which is being warranted by the Vendor , it should be warranted in its own right .
11 Although the industry seems to be rallying to DCE , which is being touted as the future de facto , if not de jure , standard for creating and implementing distributed client/server applications , as Sun points out , no-one is using DCE — except a few early developers — whilst it already has some three million odd ONC licencees .
12 It would be wrong not to draw attention to the grave problem which is being created for the future by the production of large numbers of council houses at such rents that , if a fall occurs in building cost , difficulty will be experienced in letting them , despite the subsidy .
13 In that review which is being sought in the motion we need to think strategically , not just about our own provision , but to ensure that a large scale T U C provision is maintained .
14 The Edinburgh Centre is co-ordinating research from universities and telecommunications companies in the nine countries involved in the two-year project — which is being funded by the Community .
15 The third reason is the end of nationalisation and the introduction of privatisation , which is being opposed by the Labour party .
16 The seminar is one of a series which is being arranged by the Association of Transport Co-ordinating Officers ( A.T.C.O. ) with two main objectives .
17 The theatre 's position is also being reviewed because of the competition from the new Festival Theatre , which is being built on the site of the Empire on Nicholson Street .
18 The town is the first in Europe to become Connected — linked to a new super highway of information which is being built around the world .
19 Only change to the Bomber Command Hall will come with the removal of the Mosquito T.III , which is being replaced with the much more appropriate Mosquito B.35 TJ138 , which has been refurbished at St Athan .
20 The system , which is being tested in the Highland Region under the management of the local TVEI ( Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ) co-ordinator , consists of special and standard tools with a modified grind .
21 This is the round which is being run under the banner of the Motor Cycle Union of Ireland .
22 A yet further , intriguingly perverse , aspect of this convergence involves the phenomenon whereby the culturally negated other becomes the focus of the very desire which is being policed within the dominant culture : the other , in the very process of being identified , displaced , and negated , becomes the object of — indeed may actually incite — desire .
23 A dog which is being exercised off the leash will cover considerably more ground than if it is walking with you .
24 I have just obtained an Amstrad 1512 PC with colour monitor , keyboard and mouse , which is being retired from the depths of my company 's stores .
25 Also , on 21 October this year , people in the UK can support Apple Day , which is being organized by the campaigning group Common Ground to raise awareness of the great diversity of apples and other fruit grown in the UK .
26 This might be the case where a firm recommends a customer to purchase an investment , the issue of which is being underwritten by the firm .
27 It is no criticism of the French , Spanish , Canadian and other contingents that the circumstances in their sectors have not permitted such tactics , but if the Vance-Owen plan is to be implemented we will need to apply the pro-active approach which is being pioneered by the Cheshire Regiment .
28 Eighteen Greek galleries are participating in this event which is being opened by the Minister of Culture , Ms Dora Bakoyanni , and is accompanied by a symposium entitled ‘ The restructuring of the relationship between metropolis and periphery ’ , with guests invited from all over Europe .
29 The party , which is being organised by the Project 's plant foreman , Andy Putnam , will be held among familiar surroundings of the Civil Engineering Depot at Glan-y-Pwll .
30 MERSEYSIDE Challenge ‘ 93 , which is being backed by the Echo , got off to a flying start this week when details of the ‘ Go Dutch ’ motoring run to Holland were revealed to business and civic leaders .
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