Example sentences of "which may [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A ‘ General ’ cache — containing items of data types which may be transferred from an invocation of one option to an invocation of a completely different option .
2 One of the practical tasks which may be taught to the patient in prone lying is how to get up from the floor .
3 In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future .
4 Farther along on the same side is the tower house of the 13C and still farther along there is a good market hall of 1895–8 by J. Fialka , the original iron struts of which may be seen through the modern ceiling .
5 for example , a production manager may be stuck about ideas on how to improve factory efficiency but looking at a potted plant on the desk might suggest an improved working environment or employees being given more wages ( which may be seen as the equivalent of plant food ) .
6 An interesting type of instruction is the search or scan instruction , which may be seen as an iterated compare .
7 Plants from the Physic Garden were copied by the gifted collage artist , Mrs Delaney , and fourteen were faithfully reproduced in her delicate paper mosaic work , some of which may be seen in the British Museum today .
8 Hawkshead Church has nearly 200 documents confirming this , one of which may be seen in the Church .
9 It was he who , in 1344 , the year in which Prague became an archbishopric , laid the foundation stone on the site of a Romanesque basilica , the remains of which may be seen in the crypt .
10 The earliest inhabitants of the area some 4000 years ago , however , left traces of their presence in the form of tools like stone axes , many of which may be seen in the Armagh County Museum .
11 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
12 ‘ A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
13 Such a profit element may include not only a straightforward management fee but also a hidden profit , such as a discount , which may be given to the headtenant under a block policy of insurance .
14 The question of the exclusivity of Community competence is of particular difficulty with regard to two concepts derived from the case law of the European Court : the concept that the existence of Community legislation on a matter excludes national legislation on the same matter , which may be illustrated in the context of the free movement of goods , and the concept that the duty of the Community to act in a particular matter from a particular date may exclude the possibility of Member States acting in that area from that date , which may particularly be illustrated in the context of external competence .
15 An exporter to reduce his foreign exchange risk may borrow in the currency of his expected export receipt or an importer may require a currency loan to pay for imports which may be re-processed for an overseas market .
16 He pointed out that there would be nothing in the Act to meet what is itself a mischief frequently encountered today , namely , industrial espionage or obtaining information as to security details or other confidential information which may be stored on a company 's computer .
17 The brush is handy for vacuuming stubborn dust and dirt which may be lodged in a carpet and the crevice tool will reach into awkward corners such as under kitchen units , although it is n't long enough to reach to the very back .
18 Both Lavan and Sirri were bombed by Iraq in 1986 ; Iraq 's oil minister claimed these operations had reduced Iran 's exports to a level around 500–800,000 b/d , which may be compared with the figure of some 3.1 million noted earlier .
19 Among the Dutch paintings on offer are two by Pyke Koch in the style termed Magisch Realisme , which may be compared to the German Neue Sachlichkeit .
20 You and your staff will maintain the well-established convention whereby ministers do not concern themselves with the detailed information which may be obtained by the Security Service in particular cases , but are furnished with such information only as may be necessary for the determination of any issue on which guidance is sought .
21 Examples of the reports which may be obtained by the facility are provided .
22 The contract evidenced by this waybill is subject to the Carrier 's standard Bill of Lading terms and conditions and tariff for the relevant trade , copies of which may be obtained from the offices of the Carrier and those of his authorized Agents .
23 In this Chapter we show that the range of information which may be obtained from the use of the more common techniques is very wide ; we also explain the ways in which less conventional sources of information about molecular vibrations may provide valuable data .
24 As habitus , this distinction between the Kantian and anti-Kantian aesthetic is both derived from material conditions , and in turn provides an insight into a classificatory scheme which may be applied to an infinite number of actual material and consumption domains .
25 I think the particular point about the two month rule which may be extended at the discretion of the director , which obvious taking his discretion away , I do n't think that 's a standing order
26 What I am putting before the House are serious considerations about the balance between the rights of individuals , which may be damaged in the course of a case but where the record can subsequently be put straight , the rights of those who are before the courts , accused , to deploy their defence , and the rights of the public at large to scrutinise that process .
27 This phrase , the force of which may be lost on the present generation , had been made familiar by another Miss West , the buxom and sultry film-star ; the similarity of nomenclature was a coincidence of which Eliot took full advantage .
28 Although there is a very wide range of coldwater fish which may be kept in a garden pond the majority of pondkeepers choose Orfe or some of the many varieties of goldfish .
29 Later in the sequence the gastric contents take on a slightly more homogeneous quality , which may be caused by a reduction in particle size , although more prolonged imaging would be required to confirm this conclusively .
30 The data suggest that the protentiation of pancreatic toxicity of cyclosporin A observed during coadministration of indomethacin is not the result of suppression of endogenous pancreatic eicosanoid biosynthesis , but more likely results from altered cyclosporin A pharmacokinetics which may be caused by an interference of indomethacin with the hepatic cytochrome P-450 dependent monooxygenase involved in cyclosporin A metabolism .
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