Example sentences of "which can be [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Walton stresses that there is no simple concept or criterion of the child 's best interests which can be applied in a crude rule-of-thumb way , and no group or individual which has sole authority to assume that generally it has the best conception of the child 's interests .
2 A SERIES of team-building initiatives have been taking place across AEA to give staff at all levels the opportunity to work together to formulate team action plans which can be applied in the workplace .
3 It includes provisions for full nomination of subcontractors , for fluctuations which can be calculated in a variety of ways , and for partial possession by the employer .
4 Groove and glue on a stout strip which can be gripped in the vice .
5 One is to have the list written out on a large piece of paper , which can be hung in a prominent position .
6 They were moved by their own flesh and blood acting out the motions of birth and parentage with that mixture of awkwardness , ignorance , seriousness and imitation which can be observed in the necessary games of mothers and fathers .
7 ( 11.5 ) With this , the line element ( 11.4 ) can be written in the form ( 11.6 ) and the two main equations ( 6.22d , e ) can be written as the single complex equation ( 11.7 ) It may be seen that this is in fact Ernst 's equation , which can be written in the coordinate-invariant form ( 11.8 ) where is the square of the gradient of an arbitrary scalar field which , in this case , is a function of the two ( null ) coordinates only .
8 The first of these , the preparation of lessons in sequence will obviously deal with the formulation of learning objectives which can be realised in a particular unit of work .
9 At present the crossing of roads is the ma–or safety problem , one which can be tackled in a variety of ways .
10 Classical economy is said to have assumed that all men are alike in sharing certain needs which must be satisfied if they are to survive , but which can be met in a variety of ways .
11 Thus , Bertin ( 1983 ) defined the concept of a ‘ map-to-see ’ as ‘ a clear graphic representation which can be comprehended in a short moment ’ .
12 One of the processes of digestion is to reduce food to a substance which can be absorbed in the bloodstream as sugar .
13 Multiple energy transformations can also suppress the first , the second and the twin terms in equation ( 6 ) , which can be explained in the same way .
14 Information can be gathered by means of a questionnaire which new adherents are either invited to fill in themselves , or which can be completed in an interview by one of the church leaders .
15 In colon carcinomas urokinase type plasminogen activator is predominantly found in the inactive proenzyme form ( sc-u-PA ) , which can be activated in the presence of plasmin .
16 And it is a condition which can be recognised in the reception of his work .
17 A full programme schedule , including transmissions not intended for Europe but which can be heard in the UK , can be obtained from Radio Netherlands , PO Box 222 , NL-1200 JG Hilversum , Holland .
18 The lessons will normally consist of three to five sections : a short conversational exchange ; a section on phonological features with drills ( particularly in the initial stages ) ; a section on grammar ; any cultural points relevant to the topic or situation being considered ; and vocabulary items which can be employed in the drills and exercises accompanying the lesson .
19 The main aim of this article is to propose an exercise in stylistic analysis which can be employed in the teaching of English language .
20 Sadly , in the past , the authorities did not produce adequate postcards and guide books for the Clementinum , but there is now a video of its history lasting about an hour , which can be viewed in a seminar room by booking in advance .
21 Stories tell of certain flowers or stones by a lake which can be touched in a special way to reveal a secret passage to the middle of the lake .
22 The lack of financial resources affects the quantity of projects which can be undertaken in the city , and with about £2.5 million in their pockets ( Glasgow spent around £40 million last year ) , I asked Lewis Clohossey , organiser at the Dublin European City of Culture office , whether this had been a hindrance .
23 The profound delight in colour which can be felt in the recent paintings of Thérèse Oulton is of a different quality .
24 The key to Kandel 's approach has been the study of a simple piece of behaviour which can be studied in the intact animal .
25 A borehole drilled by hand through the mud and silt filling a former loch basin — drained in the 18th century — yielded a ‘ core ’ of material which can be studied in the laboratory .
26 In Rutland Forest he had ‘ dead and dry wood which can be collected in the demesne woods of the lord King with the hand alone , without any iron instrument .
27 In a pre-industrial society women may have important occupations in handicrafts or in garden agriculture , jobs which can be done in the home .
28 Examples of odd-toes and even-toed ungulates which can be seen in the park .
29 Like Sukenick and Pynchon , Wurlitzer has acknowledged an influence from Kerouac which can be seen in the open structure of his first novel The Octopus ( 1969 : published in America under the title Nog ) .
30 Dr. Clarke had himself been a surveyor in the town in 1765 : he also cultivated the art of perspective drawing , examples of which can be seen in the plans he drew for Whitaker 's History of Manchester of 1765 and 1771 .
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