Example sentences of "which would [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Under the plan some 50 missiles would be transferred from the launch silos in Wyoming ( the seventh designated MX location ) to 25 new trains , which would be kept at the seven bases for deployment on the public rail system in time of crisis .
2 This self-evaluation ( which would be undertaken by every member of the school staff ) would then be set against priorities within the school .
3 The nuclear-free zone proposal was reportedly in the annual ASEAN discussions in 1986 , and Soviet spokesmen underlined press reports at the close of the following annual ASEAN Conference in June 1987 that specific plans were being worked out to set up such a zone which would be examined at a summit level meeting of the ASEAN states in Manila in December .
4 Instead of the audit , FRAG proposes that the accounts should contain a compilation report on their preparation , which would be furnished by an accountant who is suitably qualified but not necessarily independent of the company .
5 The kind of wealth which would be displayed in the garments of the Khans and Noyons during the day 's ceremonies was usually a product of oppression of the poor , but on Tarvaras there was no one whom Alexei would have cared to class as under-privileged .
6 Here samples were made which would be sent to the London shop for testing .
7 They completed a standard application form , which included a declaration that the society would obtain a valuation of the property , a copy of which would be sent to the pursuers , and that no responsibility for the information therein would lie with either the society or the valuer .
8 If there were more busts , it is difficult to see them ( in light of the heavy guilloche " and cornice pattern ) as other than insets which would be subsumed by the whole design rather than provide an independent pictorial element .
9 This topography is probably the result of seismic waves radiating from the Caloris impact , which would be refocused on the opposite side of Mercury .
10 Mr McCartney claimed the 24-hour security surveillance which would be implemented at the park as part of the development would ‘ change utterly the ambience of this unique open space ’ .
11 Now he has thrown caution to the wind in his forecast of what Chancellor Lamont may tell the House of Commons this afternoon , by revealing that : ‘ this Budget is likely to highlight proposals which would be implemented by the Conservatives following an Election victory . ’
12 It would , Burlatsky suggested , be based upon a wide variety of property forms , including state property which would be developed to the higher level of public ownership of the whole people .
13 In his wish for a healthy city he was becoming more and more aware of rural virtues and leaning towards the sort of suspect organicism which would be developed with a vengeance by Leavis .
14 Between 1337 and 1353 the tax on wool formed part of a series of schemes under which the king attempted to establish a body of powerful and wealthy merchants who would be granted a monopoly in the purchase and export of wool in return for making loans to the king which would be repaid from the maltote , the export tax on wool .
15 A notebook or ‘ ledger ’ for older children allows for the depositing of points for good behaviour/tasks fulfilled in the credit column ; and the withdrawal of points for misdemeanours or tasks refused , which would be registered in the debit column .
16 The tables would be clothed with white cloths and fine cutlery , as befitted the prime dishes which would be prepared in the central kitchen .
17 Further procedural changes should include improving the exchange of information between the parties , encouraging the issue of specific written Professional Standards relating to the conduct of all principal types of litigation by the Bar and the Law Society combined with schemes to foster competence and experience , introducing new arrangements for trials , particularly so that the judge can read the case papers ( including witness statements ) before the hearing , and so be much better prepared when the hearing begins , and , in cases where there are many documents , providing a bundle of key documents , abuse of which would be checked by a personal costs sanction against the solicitors involved .
18 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
19 And also last Friday at education committee there was a long debate , both on the procedure which would be adopted by the working party , in discharging it 's remit and in particular the policy which it recommended regarding small schools , and also an extended debate on one of the areas which was a subject of recommendation by the er , district auditor which concerns the organisation of first and middle schooling in the Meer area , and there the working party did look very specifically at the recommendation that was made by the district auditor that decided on balance that that was n't likely to produce the best and most cost effective education in that part of the county .
20 This was accomplished on June 25 when a law was also approved creating the new National Civil Police ( PNC ) , recruits to which would be trained in the newly established Academy of Public Security ( ASP ) , set up with US and Spanish advice , and to which demobilized FMNL members were eligible to apply .
21 There are four possibilities as to who was responsible for Kirov 's death : Nikolaev alone planned and executed the murder ; Nikolaev executed it but it was encouraged by the local NKVD ; Stalin planned the murder or a ‘ near miss ’ which would be followed by a purge ; a foreign government planned it .
22 For example , in Third World countries women play a crucial role in farming but this was certainly not the impression which would be gained from the books .
23 The tidal waters beneath were low , exposing slick grey mudbanks which would be swallowed during the afternoon .
24 The first was announced in a Practice Direction ( 1989 ) 1 WLR 281 , which provided for the much earlier delivery of skeleton arguments which would be studied by the judges before they sat to hear the appeal .
25 A former commander of the SAS — which would be thrust into the front line in the event of a terrorist attack — said : ‘ Not only has he put the security of our royal family at risk , he has jeopardised the lives of Special Air Service regiment troops . ’
26 By these , creditors would meet to consider proposals for a voluntary arrangement which would be binding on a dissenting minority , and approve a trustee .
27 The President could issue decrees which would be binding throughout the country .
28 However that may be , the prediction that non-ascriptive adjectives will be ungrammatical here is borne out by the evidence of associatives and others ( this is the more revealing , since it might sometimes be possible to understand the meaning which would be intended by the construction where they could be supposed to occur ) : ( 62 ) Fanshawe reported O'Neill 's collar clerical Jones could not imagine his wife former
29 There is , nowadays , little reason for the tenant to seek to incorporate an option to renew in his lease unless by reason of his bargaining strength he can secure that the rent payable under the new lease will be lower than that which would be fixed by the court on an application for a new tenancy under the 1954 Act .
30 Which would be formulated in the pre-election year which was for obvious reasons .
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