Example sentences of "which would [verb] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Fiat 's defence lawyers hailed the court 's move as a sensible conclusion which would leave it to the court of appeal to determine whether the four defendants should be tried in another city .
2 Mr John Prescott , the Labour transport spokesman , said BR would lose £3.5 billion of public support by 1993 , which would leave it at the bottom of the international league for support and top for fares .
3 Otherwise , the right sombrely heroic quality emerges , but the playing of the movement does not grip the listener as the composer surely intended and Leonskaja 's leisurely treatment of the second subject group ( say in the recapitulation at 9′54″ ) lacks the tension which would integrate it into the whole .
4 Mariscotti is a professor of physics at the University of Buenos Aires where he had become intrigued by the fact that the university had an old cyclotron , a primitive atom smasher built in the early 1950s , which would make it among the first half-dozen to have been built in the world .
5 The HIE chief executive , Iain Robertson , said : ‘ Objective 1 funding would provide a platform for growth for the Highlands and Islands which would take it from the edge of Europe to the community 's very heart . ’
6 ‘ Objective 1 funding would provide a platform for growth for the Highlands and Islands which would take it from the edge of Europe to the community 's very heart , ’ said the Highlands and Islands Enterprise chief executive , Iain Robertson .
7 THE Prime Minister 's senior advisers will meet this weekend to try to rescue the Government 's student top-up loans scheme , as the clearing banks — which would run it on the Treasury 's behalf — stiffen their opposition .
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