Example sentences of "which would [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is a view which would accord with the dualistic tradition to which his novels predominantly belong .
2 It is assumed that because of a basin that is still strongly subsiding , the degree of coalification will not yet have reached the equilibrium which would relate to the present depth and temperature , and that gas generation and accumulation are still taking place here .
3 What I desired was a grand conception , one which would speak to the mysterious fears of our nature .
4 The vote followed a coalition agreement of Oct. 13 favouring a constitutional amendment which would refer to the 1951 Geneva Convention on Refugees .
5 Before any options are granted to replace those which have already been exercised and which would result in the total value of options granted to an individual under the Scheme ( including options which have been exercised ) exceeding four times his annual remuneration , the Committee will satisfy itself that the grant of such options is justified by the performance of the Company in the previous two to three years .
6 Drinkers of wine , who would be affected by price changes , were a minority , as most Englishmen drank ale , the supply and cost of which would depend on the latest harvest .
7 For example , some crime was to be committed which would bring upon the Old Navigator , as Coleridge afterwards delighted to call him , the spectral persecution … and his own wanderings .
8 Shah was setting in motion a chain of events which would lead to the bitter Wapping strike , when Murdoch took on the print unions — previously assumed to be invincible — and won .
9 He photographed tiny crystallites in the electron microscope and showed that the shrinkage which accompanied their formation was sufficient to initiate a crack which would spread into the main body of the glass ( Plate 7 ) .
10 He noticed statistical trends in inherited traits ; he postulated a statistical model with nice properties which fitted his data ; and then he suggested a simple discrete model which would behave like the statistical model .
11 The question then is whether a State party to the first treaty can prevent another treaty party from entering into a later treaty from which it is excluded , but which would conflict with the first treaty .
12 Further proposals on rules of origin were tabled on Sept. 28 by Hong Kong and by the USA-in the latter case involving work in the CCC and later in GATT on a timetable which would run past the proposed end of the Uruguay Round .
13 In some cases , the symptoms may have been psychosomatic in origin , which would account for the good effect of the placebo .
14 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
15 It is however I think relevant to the debate on policies I five and I twelve , to the extent that the County Council adjustments to the wording of policy I five which would provide for the distributional strategy and its emphasis on directing development to locations in and adjacent to main urban areas , main towns and small towns , to be modified so as to pe permit major employment allocations to be made elsewhere and indeed on a scale which effectively improved distributional strategy .
16 Also under discussion were the wording of the US State Department memorandum of understanding and " letters of assurances " which would define for the various parties the procedure of the peace conference , the terms of participation and US policy towards it .
17 Gosport was found to be ‘ virtually without defence , protected on the landward side only by an ill-maintained entrenchment … which would fall at the first assault ’ , while the Isle of Wight contained so few troops , so thinly scattered , that it was bound to succumb to a determined attack .
18 On Nov. 28 a team from the Ogaden National Liberation Front ( ONLF ) visiting the Dire Dawa area appealed to the transitional government to improve the delivery and distribution of food relief to the " Somali " people of the drought-striken Ogaden autonomous region ( which would fall within the proposed Somali region ) .
19 Now , if the depression has been preceded by a particularly deep-going crisis , equilibrium may be established at such a low level of activity that the volume of fixed capital currently being produced may well be considerably smaller than that which would allow for the time-proportional replacement of fixed capital at the previous average rate .
20 Edouard longed for a new collection , for revolutionary designs that would set competitors like Cartier by the ears ; designs that would reflect the post-war world and which would use to the full the latest technology .
21 This can increase acid precipitation by up to 100 per cent compared to that which would prevail over the natural vegetation of heather or moorland grasses .
22 The conference also called on the Organization of African Unity ( OAU ) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR ) to convene a conference with prospective donor countries to formulate an aid plan which would assist in the social and economic integration of refugees who chose to return to Rwanda and of those seeking naturalized status in their present country of residence .
23 Stirling had always envisaged the Free French contingent as the nucleus of a French SAS regiment which would assist in the eventual liberation of their country .
24 Making the announcement , which follows two years of uncertainty about the zoo 's future , Dr Gipps said £2.5 million was already assured for the capital project which would begin in the next financial year .
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