Example sentences of "which will be [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The important thing to remember is that NVQs are for the individual , are broadly based and non-specific , in five levels , and once accredited the individual , from school leaver upwards , builds up a personal record of achievement which will be recognised by employers across the country .
2 I am grateful to the Minister , but is there not a danger that there could be an unfair distribution of funding research between the new universities , which will be formed from polytechnics , and the traditional universities ?
3 But vast tracts of tropical forest are destroyed to create grazing for cattle which will be turned into hamburgers and other fast food .
4 It will have received monies from the disposal of trust capital on the purchase of its own shares but the proceeds which will be treated as distributions for tax purposes ( dividends ) will have borne ACT and would potentially carry with them a credit .
5 The newsreel film , which will be stored on cassettes that can hold up to ninty-six gigabytes of data , will need to be spread over 12,000 cassettes ( Fox 1993 : 19 ) .
6 There is also the growing opposition to the war , which will be fuelled by casualties and by worsening domestic economic conditions .
7 This November should see some of the works in the new galleries , from the ‘ Primitives ’ to Poussin , transferred to a suite of twenty rooms on the second floor of the Richelieu wing , which will be reached by escalators and lifts bringing visitors to the galleries of French paintings directly from the Pyramid .
8 Sir Robin has prepared several drafts of the Queen 's Speech , which will be given to ministers once a Government is formed .
9 The prospects for establishing bad faith are very limited however , given that virtually any policy that is premised on increasing profits but which will be damaging to employees , such as a plant closure , can be portrayed as being beneficial to the employees in general , for example by making other jobs in the company more secure , thus supporting the claim that employee interests have been sufficiently considered .
10 This has its parallel with entities in the entity-relationship model , which will be represented as relations in the relational model .
11 Possibly , the delay in the English and Welsh revenue grants is to enable the Government to deal with the problem of poll tax bills which will be plopping through doors shortly .
12 Mr Sands said : ‘ While I appreciate that Conservatives ministers need to be vigilant , I do not believe that my staff should be expected to give personal details , which will be kept on police computers , merely to help a political party publicise its election campaign . ’
13 UTV presenter Paul Clarke casts an expert eye along the row of ‘ oscar 's ’ , which will be presented to companies and their employees who have helped to support charity or community projects in the province .
14 Wimbledon estimates that this new service , which will be on air for up to 14 hours for each day of The Championships and which will be presented by commentators such as Andrew Castle , Paul Hutchins and Warren Jacques , will have a potential audience of up to 450,000 .
15 Each will cover between 40 and 80 square miles , about half of which will be cloaked in trees .
16 Alternatively , fix with masonry nails direct to the wall , nailing through the back section of the frame , which will be covered by panels .
17 To avoid this I propose to place a layer of mortar on the lining and lay bricks on top which will be covered by slabs .
18 Banks and building societies will repossess and resell over 100,000 homes this year , many of which will be bought for prices well below those of similar properties in the area .
19 Their third LP Mush has spent ‘ 80 per cent of the time since its release in the indie Top 20 ’ , and the Arts Centre date is their last appearance in the UK before a 46-date tour of Europe which will be following by excursions to Japan and the U.S.
20 Ignoring the question of expenses for the time being , it will create 10 million 50p units which will be distributed to savers in proportion to the funds they subscribed .
21 A daily newspaper ( 26 February 1988 ) reported ‘ Despite the losses Sir Jeremy has sanctioned a 10% increase in the dividend which will be paid from reserves .
22 A second major debate about the effects of new technology concerns the impact on the skills which will be required of workers in the future .
23 In pursuit of a stable peace , Washington sacrificed the Salvadorean army , which will be purged of human-rights offenders and drastically reduced in size and influence .
24 Students are also involved on a programme of Independent Studies , many of which will be focused on issues of Language across the curriculum .
25 The MPhys is an enhanced first degree which will be taken by students seeking careers as professional physicists .
26 Unfortunately , the cost of this dividend — £6.9m — has led to a deficit of £6.1m , which will be taken from shareholders funds .
27 As National Development Officer my remit is to co-ordinate the central development of the Higher National Units which will be structured round competencies which have been identified following consultation with industrialists , the Lead Industry Body and Professional Associations .
28 The central argument in the book is that there are a variety of ways of organising work , some of which may be more efficient than others , some of which will be preferred by workers , and others which may be preferred by managers .
29 Its alliance with the Portland Group will result in future data parallel compilers for other languages such as C++ and Ada , as well as communications interfaces and run-time tools , which will be targeted at networks and clusters of heterogeneous machines and shared-memory parallel computers .
30 Estimated at less than £200,000 , it is a sum roughly equivalent to the money which will be spent in fireworks and flypasts when the Prince and Princess of Wales visit Seville for the evening of 20 May .
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