Example sentences of "which be [adv] [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 The only concession he made in Zaïs was to let Malherbe include in the preface the following statement : ‘ In the course of the work , M. Vincent d'Indy has thought it necessary to add certain viola parts , which are sometimes lacking in the original score , and to modify or complète wind parts that are too sketchily indicated ’ ( vol.16 , p.lviii ) .
2 In this case the misgivings appear to be unfounded , but it does highlight the need for adequate controls on such experiments , both from a national and international perspective , since it is always possible that genetic engineering firms , which are now proliferating in the USA , Japan and northwest Europe , will turn to those , usually developing countries , where regulations are not as strict as those of , for example , the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the USA .
3 Women , in particular , felt that the private sector had qualities which were sometimes lacking in the NHS .
4 A number of local councils are taking part in the campaign , which is also running in the rest of the UK .
5 ‘ We are happy to legislate on something which is already happening in the game , in other words to make it legal for the hooker to strike as soon as the ball leaves the hands of the scrum-half — as happens in reality — rather than when it pitches .
6 So we asked ourselves whether this catalogue would still find a corresponding resonance , given the flood of technical literature which is currently circulating in the ceramics market .
7 We discover that the contrast is based upon a particular set of values which science is believed to embody , and which is apparently lacking in the humanities .
8 Minutes later , the yacht Request , which was also competing in the race , fell into difficulties .
9 It consisted of a map , a compass , a small rubber water bottle and some French , Dutch and German money , all packed into a little tin box which was then bulging in the breast pocket of my battle-dress .
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