Example sentences of "which be [verb] only [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The conduct of pedagogic research as I have defined it here presupposes attitudes and approaches to techniques of teaching which are developed only through an educational perspective and this in turn calls for a continuous programme of in-service support .
2 Electric instantaneous showers , which are connected only to the mains cold water , are ideal for homes with direct cold water systems .
3 These series carry pages which are common to all editions and other pages which are aimed only at the small circulation areas .
4 Most innovations , however , especially the successful ones , result from a conscious , purposeful search for innovation opportunities which are found only in a few situations .
5 Most innovations , however , especially the successful ones , result from a conscious purposeful search for innovation opportunities which are found only in a few situations . ’
6 At the same time the children are given mental exercises through amusing riddles and puzzles which are told only in the evenings after meals , or while food is being cooked . [ … ]
7 His measurement has underwritten an orthodoxy that the capital 's wage-earners suffered declining fortunes which were reversed only by the post-war deflation .
8 Of the seventy cases which were reported only in the local newspapers in the sample , there were six cases ( 9 per cent ) where the coverage lasted more than one day .
9 That pregnancy should end in birth has an inevitability which is matched only by the inevitability that life will end in death .
10 As Attridge shows this means that poetry claiming to be perfecting the natural ( acting according to decorum ) establishes its claim to do so by using a rhetoric which is employed only by a learned few whose language is distanced from the natural language of the majority .
11 The prime victim , however , is the convenience supermarket meal which is cooked only to a certain temperature at processing stage , then chilled , transported and briefly heated before eating .
12 The best pencils are equal in quality to watercolour and carry the term Artists , which is applied only to the best pigment-to-binder quality .
13 The best pencils are equal in quality to watercolour and carry the term Artists , which is applied only to the best pigment-to-binder quality .
14 He permanently secretes a thick , transparent mucus about this body , which is clad only in an ancient blue-black robe .
15 There are important languages only spoken in their countries of origin — Japanese , for instance , and Korean ; some Pacific languages unrelated to each other or to any other linguistic group on earth : Ainu , for example , which is not spoken outside Hokkaido Island in Japan and has no relationship at all to Japanese ; and Gilyak , which is used only by a very few people on Sakhalin Island — a place known only as being the birthplace of the actor Yul Brynner , and near where the Korean airliner KE 007 was shot down in 1983 .
16 Indeed , in answering my question , identifying her place in a knowing audience is more important than supplying ‘ accurate ’ information about Jamie 's role , which is added only as an afterthought : ‘ He 's cute and podgy ’ .
17 Many do so successfully , along ancient trails , a knowledge of which is found only in the instinctive mind level of the lemmings themselves .
18 The News of the World had developed a distinctively titillating style of reporting rape which was matched only by the arrival of the restructured Sun which began to develop its present style in the early 1970s .
19 They wore mushroom-shaped hats topped with glittering brass spikes , and white cloths fluttered at their necks to protect them from the sun ; all of them were barefoot , but Joseph noticed that their leg wrappings were yellow — the colour , as Tran Van Hieu had already pointed out , which was worn only by the emperor and his immediate entourage .
20 Hence the parliamentary leaders dominated the mass party , which was conceived only as a means for contesting elections .
21 He passed through an opening in a wooden fence into the yard , which was lit only by the light from within the house .
22 Weir had been piling one office upon another , and had recently added to his collection that of sheriff-substitute in the Nether-ward of Lanarkshire , although , as his friend Andrew Gardner urgently pointed out to the duke , this was a precarious place which was held only during the pleasure of the sheriff-depute of Lanarkshire .
23 In sharp contrast , the WEA financed its tutors through student fee income , grant-aid from the Board of Education which was derived only from the number of qualifying classes provided , and from fluctuating , unsecured donations and subscriptions .
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