Example sentences of "which be [verb] up by the " in BNC.

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1 Do n't riffle through papers , kick the table or drum fingers — all are sounds which are picked up by the microphone and have to be edited out .
2 The work of the council is in the main carried out in committees of the council which are set up by the council usually at its first meeting after the election is over .
3 This is a highly dangerous area to sail in because the seas contain many monstrous creatures which were stirred up by the collapse of northern Ulthuan centuries ago — Kraken , huge shark-like megalodons , Behemoths and even the dread Black Leviathan are all commonly seen in the waters north of Ulthuan .
4 Often these were the starting points of big demonstrations which were broken up by the police .
5 Next morning at ‘ stand-to' ’ there were the usual reports of wounded which were backed up by the increased activity of the jeeps carrying the casualties to the rear , among them several Airborne troops .
6 A critical factor appears to be the enhanced influx of external calcium which is taken up by the stores with two consequences .
7 There is no mistaking the physical menace in the soft but grinding discord which announces Balstrode 's " Look , the storm cone " , or the thrill of fear in his fugue theme " Now the flood tide " [ 7 ] , with its opening minor second , which is picked up by the entire chorus and worked into one of those overwhelming Verdian ensembles which climax the first scene of each act .
8 The Christian Faith spells out in detail the kind of overall understanding of Christian theology which was opened up by the conception of the nature of religion presented in the Addresses .
9 In the same year in the UK the Review Committee on Education for Information Use , which was set up by the British Library Research and Development Department ( BLR&DD ) in 1974 , was recommending that :
10 The first meeting takes place this week and I am asked to make a presentation to the Committee which was set up by the minister of finance . ’
11 The Working Party on Internal Migration in Britain , which was set up by the Institute of British Geographers in l988 , aims at the better understanding of the patterns , causes and implications of migration in Britain .
12 The new draft allowed permanent government officials to hold Cabinet posts concurrently ; gave the NLA , which was set up by the military , the power to nominate senators ; and gave senators , along with MPs , the right to screen candidates for the premiership , and to launch no confidence motions against the government .
13 Staffing allotment will be 654 for England , 225 for Wales , 385 for Scotland and 86 for the joint UK Nature Conservation Committee , which was set up by the Department of Environment to provide a central voice for the NCC .
14 Most obviously , its rising trade-union support ensured that it was to become the party of the working class , a process which was speeded up by the split within the Liberal Party during the First World War .
15 Under the programme , which was drawn up by the EC Commission , Albania was to be given 50,000 tonnes of EC wheat ; further donations amounting to 100,000 tonnes of wheat were to be canvassed from other Western countries .
16 A PUBLIC inquiry is to investigate Armagh area plan which was drawn up by the DoE .
17 Sadly , Il Filarete died before completing his masterwork which was taken up by the Milanese Guiniforte Solari .
18 A founder in 1913 of the Anglo-Hellenic League , he wrote numerous articles supporting Greek territorial claims and upholding Venizelos in his feud with King Constantine I. With R. W. Seton-Watson [ q.v. ] , a colleague at King 's , Burrows formulated in the autumn of 1915 the unsuccessful scheme , which was taken up by the Foreign Office , to lure Greece into the war of 1914–18 on the side of the entente through the offer of Cyprus .
19 Instead of answering his own question , Rafiq let out a high-pitched wail , which was taken up by the rest of the men .
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