Example sentences of "which be [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Relevant European institutions are banks , building societies or other institutions incorporated in a Member State of the EC outside the UK , which are taking advantage of the European passport granted under the EC 's Second Banking Directive .
2 But the rapid and dramatic changes which are taking place in the world today , changes of a hopeful and not a frightening kind , could help to make a long-serving government more vulnerable to the time-for-a-change mentality .
3 This chapter outlines the main changes which are taking place in the spatial distribution of the British population and examines the migration patterns which form the principal mechanism behind these trends .
4 The radical changes which are taking place in the pensions industry mean that actuaries have a growing responsibility to ensure that desirable objectives — such as easily transferable pensions — are achievable in practice .
5 The time is opportune therefore , to study the changes which are taking place in the aims and practices of teaching history in schools .
6 These are policies which are invested part in the with-profits fund and part in a range of unit-linked funds ( which resemble unit trusts ) .
7 That said , any which are operating subsidiaries in the US might care to note that , for all the strictness of securities laws over there , a survey in 1990 found that more than 60 per cent of claims come from sources other than shareholders .
8 Trait theories stress the personality of the leader above all other factors — leadership requires a range of inherited characteristics or personality traits which are given priority over the job nature and demands of the job itself .
9 For overseas businesses registered in other EC member states which are making supplies in the UK , the simplification option allows them to avoid UK VAT registration , but requires the UK customer to account for VAT due on the supply .
10 The second distinctive group covers the well known strip buildings which are set end-on to the road frontages , often in association with a range of specialized activities .
11 There is therefore a steady approach to a new equilibrium , with and which are decreasing functions of the tax rate ( increasing functions of T e ) The coefficient of variation of lifetime consumption is given by ( with ) : It is clear that the tax reduces the coefficient of variation of lifetime consumption .
12 All of them , which are located 50ft up the side of a cliff , were equipped with plaster water-storage cisterns .
13 The very changes which were taking place in the physical environment appear to have facilitated the transition to a newer rhythm of urban life .
14 The changes , which were taking place in the economy and society during the period of formative influence on the functionalist style , provide us with a further dimension to consider .
15 Lothar 's biographer in the Gesta makes the point that following Celestine 's death he did not immediately join the cardinals assembled in the Septizonium , but attended first the exequies , or funeral rites , for the dead pope , which were taking place in the Lateran basilica .
16 or you 've got ta try and stop it , or you 've got ta get in there and and sort of organize it , take it on your shoulders , and I think this , this is a recognition that erm changes were taking place which were taking peasants beyond the straight moderate programme .
17 This is the first statement of a theme , the fluted skirt broken by one knee , variations on which were to engage sculptors throughout the classical age ( cf. figs. 80 , 124 , 142 , 159 , 161 , 162 , 190 , 202 ) .
18 Tsutomu Hata , a former Agriculture Minister , had supported moves to dismantle Japan 's ban on foreign rice imports , which were causing dissent at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [ see also p. 38148 ] , and he was known to favour a reduction in interest rates .
19 The expectations and hopes of those people and of many others , which were given life by the excellent judgment of the Vice-Chancellor of the High Court on 30 July , were cruelly dashed by the decision of the major City shareholders that the bank could not be reconstructed .
20 Only from roughly the middle of the tenth/sixteenth century-perhaps coincidentally with the building of two other medreses which were to form part of the altmisli class , namely that attached to the mosque built by Suleyman for his son , Sehzade Mehmed ( the Sehzade medrese , completed in 954/1547 ) , and that built by the same sultan for his father , Selim I , apparently around 955/1548 — can one discern in the biographical sources the existence of a class of medreses , comprising these and others , one rank higher than the Sahn and normally carrying a salary of 60 akce , teaching in one of which seems to have been a generally recognized prerequisite for the holding of the highest learned offices .
21 The first and most obvious targets for this new spirit were the religious houses , estimated to own a sixth of the land in England , which were losing vocations as the sterility of many of their practices became increasingly apparent .
22 We should have taken some heed from the birch trees halfway up the track which were bending double in the gale , and from the fact that five minutes after leaving the car , we were wetter than the Scottish Sub-Aqua team .
23 It was really wider economic and sociological factors which were expunging memories of the ‘ winter of discontent ’ and uncontrolled union power , rather than the policies of the Thatcher government , which in this early period were broadly non-confrontational .
24 When man himself started to make decisions which were to become contributions to the substance of the Created God , there arose individuals who could not accept the decisions which were designated ‘ good ’ by the majority , and who therefore started moving towards behaviour which was specifically harmful to others .
25 Here were the two developments , the use of the longbow and the adaptation of the traditional use of cavalry , which were to bring victories to the English in a number of foreign fields in the coming century or so .
26 My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton referred to the 1,000 members of the Prison Service Union , which is seeking recognition from the Home Office .
27 An electronic control unit , which is fed information about the road speed , engine speed , the operation of the brakes , the auto-transmission lever position as well as information from the ride height sensors , oversees the operation of the EAS , which has five different height settings .
28 This excludes a relationship of " before " to " after " between the helping and the event which is realized thanks to the help , and explains the occurrence of the bare form of the infinitive .
29 It also has regard to the fact that er some land will be lost to development which is taking place under the terms of policy I four .
30 They are displayed with a large fresco and the exhibition coincides with a survey of Cinalli 's recent work , emphasising his large pastel drawings on tissue paper , which is taking place at the Accademia Italiana ( 16 February-14 March ) and will then be shown in Argentina , Spain , Sweden and Russia .
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