Example sentences of "which have [adv] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 The announcement has been interpreted as a shift towards a more " green " approach from the organisation which has repeatedly been criticised by environmentalists .
2 They do not avoid familiar food which has similarly been followed by illness , and only certain cues such as smells and tastes associated with the novel food are attended to .
3 The main Commonwealth case from a country with a common law jurisdiction is Watt v. Rama [ 1972 ] V.R. 353 , a decision of the Supreme Court of Victoria in an appellate capacity which has since been accepted by other appellate courts in Australia as a correct statement of the law , that is to say the common law of Australia .
4 Using processors based on the Power RISC architecture , which has also been adopted by Apple Computer Inc , Motorola Inc and Groupe Bull SA , Filip said IBM ‘ will go aggressively into the low-end personal computer market next year with RISC technology . ’
5 For 38 years , a dirty , secret war has been going on in Guatemala , a war which has largely been ignored by the outside world .
6 The following Pastoral Piece , written by Mrs. Leapor , exceeds every Thing of that kind , which has yet been exhibited by the Male Authors , and I think does a supreme Honour to our Sex .
7 The Flow Country of Caithness and East Sutherland , a rare wetland habitat which has already been diminished by conifer afforestation , is facing the threat of peat extraction on an industrial scale .
8 Timber which has already been affected by fungus or decay offers a special attraction .
9 The other view is that where the plaintiff comes across a danger which has already been created by the defendant the defence can operate .
10 Can volenti be raised where the plaintiff encounters a risk which has already been created by the defendant 's negligence ?
11 They felt the scheme would only create additional problems and would send more cars into Skerne Park which has already been earmarked by the county council as an accident blackspot .
12 Meanwhile , Carrickfergus , winners of the CIS Irish Senior Cup last weekend against Old Bleach , came unstuck yesterday in their bid to grab the runners-up spot in the senior division , which has already been won by Bangor .
13 Senior Cup last weekend against Old Bleach , came unstuck yesterday in their bid to grab the runners-up spot in the senior division , which has already been won by Bangor .
14 That awaits the passage of the World Heritage ( Properties Protection ) Bill , which has already been passed by the Senate and is now guaranteed an easy passage through the House of Representatives .
15 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
16 Fed up , with no reliable way of getting around London except on his motorbike , Robert Cave came up with this novel concept , which has now been adopted by a leading mini-cab and courier company .
17 At the same time Lotsi 's colleagues in Romania had formed an organisation , known as ‘ Pater Nostra ’ , which has now been recognised by the Romania government as an approved institution .
18 So in 1989 petrol power gave way to a 1.8-litre diesel Escort , which has now been replaced by the latest version .
19 One of the major preoccupations of the young veterinary profession was a search for public recognition of its respectability , the gaining of which has now been crowned by the secular apotheosis of James Herriot .
20 ( On the latter point , when Richard Agar of North Shore Designs took over Taunton Hall Farm , one of his first actions was to stop the local hunt using his land , action which has now been followed by all the surrounding farmers .
21 Turning from medical microbiology to the applied variety which has now been glamourised by the term ‘ biotechnology ’ , the prime candidate for an archetypal novel must be Lionel Davidson 's The Sun Chemist , published in 1976 .
22 Recent activities , since the opening of the museum , have centred on preparing the GWR coach at Clunbury , which has now been bought by the Society , for removal .
23 Most of the NII 's work so far has been on an earlier ‘ reference design ’ , which has now been superseded by a ‘ contract ’ design .
24 So too with the body clock : it might be that several outputs with different periods are possible and that we tend to concentrate upon the daily or circadian clock because this is the period that is most useful to the organism and which has naturally been accentuated by the environment with its 24-hour period .
25 I would like to talk to you now about what is being done today , which has often been inspired by you .
26 It was also of course a source of female power by virtue of the fact that anything that threatens also wields power — a theme which has often been picked by other contributors to this volume .
27 One possibility for the near-future which has hardly been considered by developers so far , is a marriage of an old-fashioned storage such as the magnetic hard disc with a newcomer such as DVI .
28 The FCC competition has helped to concentrate the minds of everyone in the broadcast industry on the digital technology which has always been employed by the computer industry .
29 In an event which has always been enriched by its personalities — from Lipton , through Sopwith , Vanderbilt , Bich , Bond and de Savary , to Fay — the 52-year-old billionaire , born in Kansas , is the persona of the 1992 Cup , eclipsing even Dennis Conner — the most successful Cup skipper in modern times — in his home town .
30 With the carriage were displayed the necessaire , and an assortment of items which has originally been retained by von Keller as souvenirs and which were eventually acquired by Madame Tussaud .
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