Example sentences of "will not [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , even at common law a lease which ought to be made by deed but is not will not completely fail of effect , if possession is taken and rent paid under it ; the tenant will be treated as tenant from year to year upon the terms of the lease so far as they are applicable to such a tenancy .
2 An arrangement whereby a limited partner invests a capital sum in the business which he is not permitted to withdraw until dissolution of the partnership ( which will not automatically occur on death or bankruptcy etc ) and which represents his maximum liability in respect of the firm 's debts and obligations , who is given a profit share but who is excluded from the management of the firm , is doubtless seen as too restrictive .
3 Since the mere association of words will not unambiguously point to meaning , the words need to be set down in a particular arrangement .
4 Like professional scientists , he is very cautious about rejecting an explanation that accounts for what he knows , and he will not simply submit to authority .
5 The haulier will not necessarily know from week to week what products are to be transported — if any — but must have a range of vehicles available to cover all eventualities .
6 The revolutionising effects of war have been very pronounced in Russian history ; the USSR will not lightly embark on war , because she knows that a setback to the state could present a peril to the regime .
7 Although this will not usually result in equipment and other resources lying totally idle , it will undoubtedly cause neighbouring hospitals , intent on getting their share of the market , to invest in the same expensive technology , which is then underused .
8 Now the specialists have had to stand on their heads , because previous transfusions are known to be very helpful in making a kidney ‘ take ’ ; the modern kidney doctor will not usually accept for transplant a patient who has not had a transfusion .
9 There 's that very , very solemn warning back in Genesis for God says , my spirit will not always strive with man .
10 This suggests that an antireflux operation will not inevitably lead to regression or resolution of Barrett 's epithelium , and may not reduce the risk of malignant degeneration .
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