Example sentences of "will be [verb] of the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Additionally , an assessment will be made of the problems created for Irish scientific research by the country 's small size and peripheral location .
2 Although use will be made of the concepts discussed above , the experiment reported below does not in any way test various theories of plural reference resolution .
3 An investigation will be conducted of the motivations and support networks of those people passing through the screening and return procedures in Hong Kong .
4 Similarly , parallel questions will be asked of the participants , for the clients also bring expectations and stereotypes ( of the workers , administration , etc. and of their fellow clients ) to participation , as well as a wide gamut of often conflicting ideologies .
5 Much more will be said of the houses of the poor in chapter 3 , but the basic contrast can be readily tested — one has only to compare the range of interiors in the novels of Richardson or Jane Austen with the range in almost any one of Dickens 's novels .
6 Parents will be informed of the results of their child 's assessment .
7 The lexicographer will be informed of the results of any investigation and the proposed action .
8 Students will be advised of the changes in a newsletter being sent to Alton college and details will be sent to Amery Hill , Perin 's and Eggar Schools .
9 All staff and students will be informed of this code and all users of a software product will be advised of the conditions under which software may be used .
10 Under present conditions , time will be short ; the parents will be advised of the risks and consequences of their actions , but it will be stressed that they must decide .
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