Example sentences of "will be [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So the third factor I 'll be considering in this review is ease of use .
2 He 's one of a thousand pilots who 'll be flying in this weekend for Europe 's biggest exhibition of home-made planes .
3 Well I 'll be gone after this week and then I wo n't need to ring at all so
4 Er , do n't feel a bit disappointed that during my presentation I 'll be expecting to this hospital , I 'll take you to the operating room , er
5 ‘ I 'm very hopeful that I 'll be supported on this motion , ’ Mr Rooney said .
6 Still — ’ she brightened up ‘ — he 'll be coming round this evening .
7 ‘ Listen boy , ’ he said , addressing the son and ignoring Matilda , ‘ seeing as you 'll be going into this business with me one day , you 've got to know how to add up the profits you make at the end of each day .
8 He normally works for me at St Andrews and I want him to do it because he 'll be retiring after this year .
9 ‘ I think he 'll be finished for this season , but we 'll bring him back for another crack at the Champion next season , ’ he said .
10 Two rounds after the adventurers enter here , and each round thereafter , there is a 50% chance that a pupa will be destroyed in this way .
11 I expect most of my wheat will be destroyed in this rain . ’
12 Clearly there needs to be some measure of self-control in these situations , but it is easier if there has been a clear and prior agreement that disputes will be handled in this way .
13 Some principles underlying the author 's work in this area will be summarised in this section of the paper .
14 Although this case provides an example of an action succeeding where no method of enforcement is provided by the statute , it appears unlikely that it will be followed in this area .
15 The substantial gap that remains to be bridged between a semantic theory ( together with a syntactic and phonological theory ) and a complete theory of linguistic communication will be demonstrated throughout this book .
16 An alternative school of thought , associated with Thomas Schelling , argues that rational bargainers can be influenced by non-mathematical ‘ cues ’ which distinguish one potential agreement as particularly prominent ( a ‘ focal point ’ ) : this gives rise to a self-fulfilling expectation that agreement will be reached at this point .
17 The only good news and the only real cheer that I can take from today 's events is that this is the last occasion on which such an announcement will be made by this Secretary of State or by a Conservative Government .
18 The present provisions were introduced by Part IV of the Companies Act 1989 which inserted a new Part XII into the 1985 Act and it is to the 1989 interpolations that reference will be made throughout this chapter .
19 Answer guide : A number of the transactions merely reinforce those in previous examples and in these cases no comment will be made in this answer guide .
20 The final circuit example that will be analysed in this section is that of an e.m.f. being suddenly applied to a series resonant circuit at time .
21 Candidates should note , therefore , that the new professor will be bound by this requirement .
22 The recruit will be evaluated against this specification when making the final decision , so as to come as close as possible to an objective evaluation of the candidate .
23 The social factors affecting the employment of older women in Britain will be examined in this research , which uses the work and family history data from the 1987 Social Life and Economic Change Initiative and the General Household Survey for the years 1987-89 .
24 As it is possible for a hotel owner or developer to have feasibility studies undertaken by their own staff , and for the developer to obtain the service of hotel management companies to run the hotel for a fee , it is the role of the food service planning consultant which will be examined in this article .
25 The claim that the NHS is ‘ underfunded ’ , despite the huge increase in resources devoted to it , will be examined in this chapter .
26 Each of these areas will be examined in this chapter .
27 Such putative loyalty will be tested by this session 's bills , particularly broadcasting , legal reform and the NHS shake-up .
28 The following panels will be displayed by this procedure :
29 The following panels will be displayed by this procedure :
30 The following panels will be displayed by this procedure :
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