Example sentences of "which [am/are] not [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( 13 ) For the purposes of any proceedings at the quarterly meeting in March in the final year of office of members of a licensing board which are not finally disposed of before the expiry in that year of the term of office of the members , the members of the licensing board in office at the date of the said meeting shall , notwithstanding such expiry , be deemed to constitute the licensing board .
2 Terms which are not expressly agreed between the parties but inserted by law into the contract are called implied terms .
3 As with any legal document , a record contract contains clauses and phrases which are not easily understood by the layman .
4 Moreover this form of regulation is closely associated with the emergence of new institutional machinery such as quangos , and regulatory agencies , which are not easily assimilated into orthodox public law concepts .
5 Running through much of the public debate on voluntary organisations , and not entirely absent from the Wolfenden Report , is the confusion between a non-statutory organisation that provides services and can have significant or even total support from state funds , and the notion of voluntary donations of time or money , which are not exclusively given to non-statutory bodies .
6 In the US , the National Resources Defense Council has also petitioned for a faster phase-out of ozone depleters , calling for the CFC deadline to be moved from 2000 to 1995 , a 1993 ban on production of methyl chloroform and methyl bromide , and a 2005 ban of HCFCs which are not yet included in the protocol .
7 In view of the Lonrho decision a similar question might arise with regard to common law crimes which are not also torts in their own right .
8 Note the use of the vous form in the French translation , indicating a level of formality and politeness which are not overtly conveyed in the English original .
9 We shall see that employers are key actors within industrial relations and that they possess a considerable margin for defining their own policies which are not wholly determined in response to the actions of unions , or to economic and political pressures .
10 Experienced rockpoolers appreciate that these low level pools can prove to be the most interesting , with a varied selection of life , including many species which are not normally found on the shore .
11 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
12 therefore involve teaching a child to make phonemic contrasts which are not normally associated with phonological development ( Ingram 1976 ) .
13 In addition to their role as refuse removers , these crustaceans also provide a valuable food source for some fish , particularly Mandarins , which are next to impossible to maintain for long periods in aquaria which are not well stocked with inverts and living rock .
14 Whereas very many Empiricks and unskilful and ignorant Men … do abide in our City of London … which are not well instructed in the Art of Mystery of Apothecaries , but … do make and compound many unwholesome , hurtful , deceiptful , corrupt and dangerous medicines and the same do sell … and daily transmit … to the great peril and daily hazard of the lives of our subjects …
15 The characteristic that courses for career women , courses reclaiming the curriculum on behalf of women 's history and culture , and courses providing useful knowledge and skills for women reconstituting their traditional roles have in common is the recognition that some women at least have expectations , aspirations and preoccupations which are not well catered for in the mainstream provision of adult education .
16 Miscue analysis entails a systematic record and evaluation of children 's ‘ errors ’ when reading aloud from texts which are not well known to them and which are not at their reading frustration level .
17 In special libraries , which are not generally attached to educational institutions , this situation does not obtain , and therefore the concept of user education may seem inappropriate .
18 Problems ( again not attributable to readers ) were also caused by items which are not adequately identified by the pressmark supplied in their catalogue entry ( 9% ) , and by serials , of which the location of a particular issue may not be evident from information available in the Issue Hall ( 6% ) , while the sending of call-slips to an inappropriate part of the Library also caused some delay ( 4% ) .
19 Underlying their actions and understandings are , as we suggested in Chapter 1 , relations which are not adequately captured by most Marxist commentators .
20 ARC is a term commonly used to describe one or more illnesses that occur during HIV infection which are not formally regarded to be AIDS .
21 More important , perhaps , as they have begun to operate in practice , a higher degree of localized bargaining has developed , often with agencies ( including unions , community groups and local authorities ) which are not formally represented within the official structures .
22 Again , this strand is not continued into the higher levels because further development of this ability would move into areas such as acting and public speaking , which are not appropriately assessed within a reading component .
23 Similarly in France , a notable feature is the unions ' political pluralism , offering a trinity of communist , socialist and radical Catholic organisations in comparison with the relatively unified movements of West Germany and Britain which are not structurally divided on the basis of religion or politics and have only one coordinating organisational centre ( the DGB and TUC , respectively ) .
24 Outside the TUC , individual trade unions have their own education programmes which are not always hampered by the same constraints .
25 First of all , the service operates strict rules concerning recruitment which are not always suited to radio .
26 In contrast , electoral administration is based on a different zonal system of geographically-defined wards , made up of ‘ polling districts ’ ( PDs ) which are not precisely defined in spatial terms .
27 The result is that systems at every level from the state to the small company are evaluated and policies are developed which are not sufficiently orientated to the needs and aspirations of the people within the system .
28 Marx 's definition of luxury goods was fairly straightforward ; they were ‘ all goods which are not necessaries and which are not commonly used by the labouring class . ’
29 The trainer 's body postures , hand movements and words , whistles or calls are perfectly understood by creatures which are not naturally born with a mind set which includes such words as ‘ sit ’ and ‘ walkies ’ , or whistles and halloos !
30 THERE are secrets to being a boss which are not necessarily connected to ditching your pals on the way up .
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