Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [be] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 This morning for instance the Scottish executive of the people 's party will have an opportunity to examine the fruits of some of the labours of the Scottish Trades Union Congress , which has been functioning as the honest broker following the swiftly evaporating euphoria of the 25,000 souls who turned up on 12 December .
2 In August the KKE had expressed support for the attempted coup against Soviet President Gorbachev , and Papariga now declared that the process of perestroika " which has been presented as the political restructuring of socialism , is in fact a most savage … restoration of capitalism " .
3 The major claim is a claim which has been expressed as the claim of de-coupling .
4 For concreteness , we focus on the corporation tax , which has been taken as the main application of the analysis .
5 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
6 It is a magnificent building which has been described as the greatest church in Christendom .
7 Less extreme examples can be found in any street or office , and there is a move among women to make the best of ‘ prime-time ’ , a phase which has been described as the years between 35 and 60 , the time when a woman can capitalize on her experience , energy , and maturity .
8 They make up a group of institutions which has been described as the ‘ third force ’ in higher education , alongside the universities and polytechnics , and are known variously as colleges of higher education , institutes of higher education , colleges of education or just plain colleges .
9 He is convinced the necessary seven member states whichever they may be can still meet the criteria for economic convergence which has been set as the minimum to permit a single currency in a majority of member states .
10 However , the company 's activities may already have done irreversible damage to the park , which has been identified as the second most important in the world for bird life , with 10 per cent of all species .
11 According to a recent Hollywood Reporter piece , the Runt is currently labelless but has been working on a project which has been hailed as the first interactive album .
12 THORP , which has been hailed as the ‘ envy of the nuclear world ’ by International Group Director is one of Europe 's largest and most complex engineering projects .
13 It was made explicit by the inclusion in those Conventions of the famous provision in the Preamble which has been known as the Martens clause .
14 Throughout 1991 , which has been chosen as the National Trust 's Gardens Year , the focus of public activity will be on the many splendid and varied gardens in the Trust 's care , ranging from the tiny town garden of Fenton House in Hampstead to historic landscape gardens such as Stowe in Buckinghamshire or Stourhead in Wiltshire .
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