Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 Here again , there may be serious doubts about relevant anthropological facts , but the present point concerns the principle of the explanation , which involves an important difference from the incest case .
2 In my annual report to the Authority in May 1988 — and ILEA is the only LEA which receives an annual report from its Chief Inspector — I commented on the implementation of the ISS curriculum proposals , that in years four and five science should be compulsory ; at least one arts course should be followed ; and a technical subject should be a compulsory option .
3 Such differences are insignificant compared to the wide gulf which separates the ruling class from the bulk of the wage and salary earning population .
4 Japanese trading giant Itochu Corp , formerly C Itoh , will buy a 3% stake in Thai Telephone & Telecommunication Co Ltd from Loxley ( Bangkok ) Ltd for an undisclosed sum ; Loxley currently holds 25% and Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp has 20% of the company , which has a 25-year concession from the government-owned Telephone Organisation of Thailand to install and run 1m lines outside Bangkok and suburbs .
5 One of the latest firms to have entered into an IVA , which allows the firm protection from creditors while it attempts to reorganise its finances , is Hook Harris , an eight-partner firm with three offices in the south of England .
6 Indeed the pressure for change is not something which batters the conservative position from outside , it is a worm which undermines it from within .
7 Thus the relationship between the general level of prices and aggregate output when the expected price level is held constant at P — the short-run aggregate supply curve — can be depicted as an upward-sloping line which cuts the vertical line from y n at price level P .
8 If we had assumed that the expected level of prices was P 1 and had drawn the relationship between the general level of prices and aggregate output on that assumption we would have drawn the short-run aggregate supply curve as an upward-sloping line which cuts the vertical line from y n at P 1 .
9 The difference between a direct hot water cylinder and an indirect one is that the latter has a heat exchanger , often in the form of a coiled pipe , which takes the hot water from the boiler and passes its heat to the domestic hot water in the cylinder , the two never mixing .
10 A command which loads a new program from a file and CLEARs the variables of the old program .
11 It was siesta time , that full-stop in the day which divides the long morning from the long evening .
12 I suppose we have to be grateful that Mr Akhtar grudgingly refrains from asking us to ban the works of Voltaire , which seems a major concession from him .
13 It is the provision of welfare , however , which distinguishes the modern state from previous states .
14 However , it is not only the extreme temporariness of his engagement which distinguishes the casual worker from other temporary workers , but also his or her employment status .
15 In this paper , I have argued that , contrary to the thinking of some of the major representatives of the tradition which distinguishes the public world from the private one , the notion of autonomy ought to be extended to the private sphere .
16 In The Natural History of Nematodes it is unfortunate that George Poinar Jr does not throw off the armour of nomenclature which prevents the general student from getting to grips with these creatures .
17 ‘ It is very difficult to see that the public can be educated to accept anything less than the fact that if there is a fraud present in an organisation which prevents the financial statements from showing a true and fair view , then it is up to the auditors to find it . ’
18 The video is in the form of a drama serial which follows a new enterprise from discovery to development and associated business practices , with attention to international cultural differences .
19 Complaints are investigated by the Professional Conduct Committee of the Bar , which considers a written report from a barrister who has been given the task of investigating the complaint .
20 So , first and foremost , it 's the mechanism which selects the appropriate procedures from within the C E G , E , C E D G documentation to help you er run a project in a managed way .
21 The most important of these is the driver program which converts the made-up pages from the ICL into codes to drive , via magnetic tape , the Printing Division 's Lasercomp .
22 Occasionally official syllabuses contain very detailed advice for teachers and in one case ( Botswana ) , a separate , loose-leaf file has been prepared for each grade , but in many cases it is the teachers ' guide , or even the pupils ' text which provides the real plan from which the teacher works .
23 There are loos close at hand which makes a nice change from the back of a bush ; so far I have behaved myself in the boat !
24 It does this without the use of adhesive or any other kind of fastener , which makes a welcome change from wrestling with the customary bits of plastic , sticky tabs and Velcro .
25 It does this without the use of adhesive or any other kind of fastener , which makes a welcome change from wrestling with the customary bits of plastic , sticky tabs and Velcro .
26 Guests can visit the beautiful public park and lakeside beauty spots or the fragrant pinewoods close by , which makes an alternative change from the beach .
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