Example sentences of "which [vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 It is a simple exercise , but one which offers a tangible link with the past .
2 Made from Crinkle Antron Nylon which offers a laundered look with a hint of sparkle .
3 Leisure shorts in Crinkle Nylon Antron which offers a laundered look with a hint of sparkle .
4 ( iii ) So far as article 5(1) itself is concerned , he submitted that it is clearly established by Court of Justice decisions that it reflects the close links created by the contract between the parties thereto , and the need to resolve all difficulties which may arise in connection with the contract in the same court in a country which has a close connection with the case , i.e. the court in the country where the obligation in question has to be performed .
5 However , providers will require either to establish a partnership with an employer , enabling access to a workplace , or will have to establish a simulation which has a high correspondence with workplace conditions .
6 The Muppet war erupted after Jim Henson Productions , which has no official connection with Jane , filed a copyright infringement suit .
7 Compact is a separate initiative which has no direct relationship with any Examination Board .
8 Because of their proximity , there was a certain amount of crossing between the two Devon breeds and also occasionally between them and the Hereford and with the Guernsey , which has an ancient link with the South Devon .
9 One of the main reasons is that our system of democratic parliamentary self-government is incompatible with the Brussels machine , which has an unelected Commission with the sole power of initiative and right of veto , a Council of Ministers which legislates in secret , the so-called Parliament , which is not really a Parliament , has no roots in this country and will never be the focus of the hopes , aspirations and loyalties of our people , and a Community court , which in many ways is a political court and engine of federalism , standing above Parliament .
10 Does she agree that the factions that are fighting in the south have no claim to represent the north , which has the main link with the Somali community in this country , and that all factions in the regions of Somalia must be involved in reaching a settlement that can be expected to last ?
11 In the Basque country 's regional election three years ago , friends of the terrorist group ETA , which wants a complete break with Madrid , won over 18% of the vote .
12 Science 's negative relation to the past emerges as one of its most distinctive and significant aspects , one which marks a complete break with the cumulative structures of the arts and social sciences .
13 Outstanding in the present group are two gold rings , one of which depicts a two-horse chariot with driver in raised relief engraved with superb naturalness .
14 The tentacle pores of this latter group are open and often armed with small spine-like tentacle scales except in Ophiosparte which has open tentacle pores but a well developed tentacle scale which forms a continuous series with the arm spines .
15 There is a stillness in these final scenes which forms a fine contrast with the earlier manic activity , a real sense of wonder as the dead come to life and the divided family are miraculously reunited .
16 As an example , I have before me a well-produced booklet , interestingly and appropriately written , which confounds the young reader with factual details about Hindu mythology and customs .
17 There are some nice ideas , like the freeze-frame technique which tells a passing tale with swift comedy .
18 An hour 's drive west of Orlando , along the Gulf of Mexico , is Tampa Bay , known for lovely beaches , outstanding golf resorts and yet another theme park — Busch Gardens , which combines a zoological park with thrill rides .
19 Products available include : Select Portfolio , an efficient way to build up a portfolio from a choice of more than 40 offshore funds covering equity , bond , cash , managed and regionally specialist ; Capital Choice , a single premium bond ; Flexi Saver , a tax efficient savings plan ; Maxi Saver , particularly suitable for British expatriates ; Professional Portfolio , an individual portfolio ; Wealth Protector , which combines a discretionary trust with a choice of investment plans ; Keyholder , a scheme designed to ease international property purchase ; and Pension Plus , a flexible retirement plan that has important potential tax advantages for the returning UK expatriate .
20 In the absence of a universally agreed published definition for attacks or , for that matter , for asthma , consensus was reached within the steering group to define an attack according to three criteria , as ‘ an episode of respiratory symptoms which prompts an urgent consultation with a doctor , is of sufficient severity to prevent the patient working or attending school or performing domestic duties or playing , and results in increased use of antiasthma medication . ’
21 Running along the middle part of the shell there is a narrow tube — the siphuncle — which connects the living chamber with the earlier parts of the shell .
22 Far smaller is Mount Stromboli in the Aeolian islands which gives a spectacular performance with nightly fireworks and glowing sparks .
23 It has a specific gravity of about I .4 , a refractive index of about 1.55 and is best detected by the van Wisselingh test — treatment with concentrated potassium hydroxide at 160- C for 20 minutes converts it to chitosan which gives a rose-violet colour with 0-z per cent iodine in 1 per cent sulphuric acid ( Campbell , 1929 ) .
24 The firm is UPS , which operates a weekly flight with a DC8 cargo plane from America , rivaling Federal Express at Stansted .
25 Abu Nidal 's Palestinian extremist group , which maintains a close association with the Shia Muslim Hizbollah holding most of the Western hostages in Lebanon , is the most likely culprit .
26 Hewlett-Packard announced an electronic-pressure control ( EPC ) for the HP 5890 Series II split/splitless capillary inlet which improves the chromatographic performance with reduced sample discrimination and degradation especially with high molecular weight compounds .
27 The strikingly aesthetic prow at Eridge Green Rocks , which resembles a mini Appointment With Fear was climbed at the surprising grade of 6a/b by Mike Vetterlein , and received an on sight second ascent by an on-form Adam Powell , followed by a rapid third ascent by the effervescent Doug Reid .
28 It is the finale of two of the recruit courses : the Regular recruits have spent eight weeks at the WRAC Centre completing an intensive course which provides a young woman with all the basic military skills Which she will require to be able to take her place alongside her male counterpart in the modern British Army .
29 In practice reliance is placed on s.33 of the Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1982 which provides the local authority with an express power to enforce positive obligations against successors in title .
30 Here also there was a much older history of troughs and orogenies , most obviously the late Precambrian and Palaeozoic trough of Timan , which makes a narrow angle with the northern Urals , much in the same way that the " Palaeo-Rockies " make one with the later Rockies .
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