Example sentences of "which [was/were] [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
2 What is the point of decoding artefacts whose ‘ codes ’ were actually designed to be cracked , like those phoney communiqués which were fed to the German Intelligence Service during World War II ?
3 For poly ( methyl methacrylate ) samples , which were prepared under different conditions to give the three forms , resonances at τ = 8.78 , 8.95 and 9.09 were observed , which were assigned to the isotatic , heterotactic , and syndiotactic triads respectively .
4 These changes , which were limited to the big club sides , will be examined later in relation to media interest in sport .
5 They met 45 times over two years and prepared reports which were circulated to the other members of the International Commission and to the editors of the more important chemistry journals .
6 In the 1970s , partly due to growing criticisms of marginality , which were linked to the increased strength of dependency theories , attention switched away from housing to focus on problems of employment and the economic structure .
7 His hands , which were apprenticed to the same mystery , arched and spread their fingers before him in air , involuntarily reproducing the tension and precision of the vaulting .
8 It had sprung from his activities in the housing movement , but was run on straight commercial lines , providing an ‘ alternative ’ removals service and producing a nice sideline in salvaged Victorian fireplaces which were sold to the new rich .
9 Both the two-rig landing bays had moved into the banks on the centreline , and their combined crews , assisted by the ubiquitous bank support section , had connected the anchor ropes and the short ramp sections , Which were added to the main ramps to allow traffic easy access to the bridge .
10 All patients had many lesions on endoscopic retrograde cholangiography , which were confined to the intrahepatic system ( above the confluence of the main right and left hepatic ducts ) in two , limited to the extrahepatic ducts in three , and were more widespread in the remaining 15 ( Fig 1 ) .
11 Held , dismissing the applications , that prior to 1873 judges sitting as visitors to the Inns of Court to hear appeals by barristers who had been ordered to be suspended or disbarred were acting as judges and performing judicial duties which were an essential part of the administration of justice in their courts ; that the disciplinary jurisdiction of the visitors in respect of fitness of persons to become or remain barristers , was a jurisdiction which was transferred to the High Court by section 16 of the Judicature Act 1873 and retained there by section 18 of the Judicature Act 1925 and section 10(3) ( b ) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 ; and that , accordingly , there was no jurisdiction to hear the applications for judicial review ( post , pp. 1007D–E , G — 1008A , 1010B ) .
12 Accordingly , the jurisdiction of the visitors in these matters was a jurisdiction which was transferred to the High Court in 1873 and retained there by section 18(3) of the Act of 1925 and section 10(3) ( b ) of the Act of 1981 .
13 The final stages of this long and deliberate government breeding programme occurred when the Red Polled Østland , which was related to the Swedish Red Polled and also had Ayrshire blood , was amalgamated ( along with its colour-sided variety , the Jarlsberg of Vestfold ) in 1961 with the horned Norwegian Red-and-White ( NRF ) of the southeast lowlands to form the Norwegian Red .
14 He took with him a secret report which was leaked to the Japanese press .
15 An EC monitors ' document , which was leaked to the Yugoslav press on Dec. 2 , accused the JNA of " brutal aggression " and called on the EC to use force against it .
16 Across the mammal 's back are the remains of an iron tool which was riveted to the upper part of the tail .
17 Subjects were presented with a computer controlled tone in one ear and had to match this tone through movements of the tongue which were transduced so as to produce a sound which was relayed to the other ear .
18 So , in our example , it would be the experimental group which was exposed to the new teaching style .
19 An immigrant from the Dominican Republic , Lucrecia Pérez Martos , was shot dead in Madrid on Nov. 13 and one man was wounded in an attack by hooded gunmen which was attributed to the extreme right .
20 This more exclusivist approach can be seen in some of the proposals embodied in Mr Gorbachev 's Murmansk Initiative most of which was directed to the Nordic and other Arctic states .
21 There is also support from Barnoldswick , which was switched to the rival county of Lancashire .
22 There is also support from Barnoldswick which was switched to the rival county of Lancashire .
23 When Jeremiah fled to Egypt he went to Tahpanhes ( 43.7 ; 44.1 ) which was known to the Greek world under the name of Daphne and was probably already garrisoned by Greek mercenaries , as it certainly was a little later under King Amasis ( 570–526 ) .
24 As you might well expect , Microsoft Windows played a key role at the COMDEX exhibition , a single section of which was dedicated to the largest ever demonstration of third-party Windows applications .
25 However , she found the physical force tactics employed by the Pankhursts unacceptable , and in 1905 joined the North of England Suffrage Society , which was affiliated to the National Union of Women 's Suffrage Societies .
26 Carson started to climb the stairs , passing some stacks of yellow newsprint and a bicycle which was chained to the rotting wood of the balustrade , before turning and starting up the next flight .
27 The dancers avoided the illuminated area , which was left to the middle-aged , balancing plates and only occasionally laughing .
28 The interior space was about three metres across , a pastel yellow in colour , tubular and bulked out with strange-looking machinery which was attached to the crosshatched ‘ walls ’ .
29 Drummond also , presumably , was not averse to the larger salary which was attached to the superior rank , and his tenderness did not stop him from making the journey to Perth to vote for Argyll 's candidate , when John Murray carried the crucial vote for preses of the Michaelmas head court by a single vote .
30 The result of this work was the ‘ group system ’ of investigation which was attached to the next edition of Annex 13 and which is now contained in the ICAO Manual of Aircraft Accident Investigation .
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