Example sentences of "which [was/were] [vb pp] by the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , the analysis helped to distinguish those requirements of the task which were influenced by the specific nature of the problem from the more general requirement of searching a large problem space .
2 But , in those terms , taking the very wide range of social systems which were studied by the first generation of British social anthropologists as a model ( the list includes the Trobrianders , the Tikopia , the Bemba , the Tswana , the Azande , the Nuer , the Nupe , and the Tallensi among others ) , is it possible to formulate a useful stereotype of what this notional entity " a primitive society " or " a savage ( wild ) society " is like ?
3 and the interest rate to 10.5 per cent. , the tax burden on business has been lightened , there is a pay review body for teachers and better standards and choice for parents — all of which were opposed by the Labour party .
4 The leading case on the requirement of reasonableness arose , not under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , but under the earlier provisions of the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 which were replaced by the 1977 Act .
5 In response to public unrest and dissension within the Cabinet over Vargas 's policies , which were supported by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank , President Rafael Angel Calderón Fournier had reversed in October some of the most controversial measures , including cuts in university budgets , which had caused student strikes , and had halted a programme of public-sector redundancies .
6 Large landed estates were run on the basis of patronage relationships between landowners and peasants , which were reinforced by the Catholic institution of compadrazgo ( god-parenthood ) .
7 However , he ruled out attempts to formulate foreign policy by majority voting which , as he pointed out , would have been disastrous in the Gulf and which were reinforced by the failed attempts to mediate in Yugoslavia .
8 On Nov. 29 the Soviet Union had denied that it was the source of highly enriched uranium , traces of which were discovered by the seventh UN nuclear inspection team at the Tuwaitha research complex near Baghdad .
9 Apart from the peats which were formed by the anaerobic decomposition of plant life in waterlogged conditions , organic matter in soils consists of a wide variety of living animals and plants , including earthworms , insects , bacteria , plant roots , and fungi , as well as decaying animals and vegetable fibres and wastes .
10 Deer , which were hunted by the rich therefore came to be associated with affluence ; and the peony , which was cultivated in the gardens of the nobility , was thus seen to symbolize the rank , wealth and well-being that accompanied this station in life .
11 There was always the possibility that there might be other places , beyond the limits of the known , which were inhabited by the unnatural monsters of fable .
12 Those two special projects are not likely to help the providers of training in management to avoid the pitfalls which were noted by the National Development Centre for School Management Training in 1987 ( Wallace and Hall 1989 ) .
13 Mr Junejo won a seat in the National Assembly in 1985 elections , which were boycotted by the anti-Zia opposition alliance , Movement for the Restoration of Democracy .
14 I had n't the remotest idea , but I followed the little rails which were used by the tiny railway to carry food up to the dining rooms …
15 Here there are many quintas which were used by the wealthy Funchal merchants in the summer months .
16 The serried ranks of peas and beans in a Victorian or Edwardian vegetable garden , the more picturesque planting of earlier potagers , where ornamental flowers blend with practical vegetables , fruit trees and bushes , and the formality of a herb garden all indicate changes in horticulture through the ages which were mirrored by the contemporary cookery books .
17 Only three cantons ( Zürich , Basel City and Graubünden ) voted in favour of the reforms , which were backed by the four government parties , the trade unions , and the bankers ' associations .
18 Although the Commission is a statutory body with a wide remit to promote the interests of crofters , it is so tightly bound by the rule of ‘ ultra vires ’ and treasury control , that it could not devote a minuscule sum to an experiment the results of which were endorsed by the Chief Inspector of Schools for the North and Highland Division , who wrote ‘ I should very much like to see continued the special educational merits of the scheme , challenge without competition , linkage of school and community in common effort , availability of expert advice to schools as they link theory with practice , financial assistance for bigger Projects , commitments which continue ’ .
19 A further agreement has also been reached on the return to Germany of a part of the library of the German town of Gotha , 300,000 volumes of which were returned by the Soviet Government to the GDR back in 1956 .
20 Even more widespread was extra spending by carers on items and services which were needed by the disabled or elderly person , but which were not covered by the financial contribution which the latter made to the household budget ( even when this included both retirement or invalidity pensions and disability benefits ) .
21 Due to the emigration of the people of East Germany to the West — there had been two million people removing in the ten years up to 1961 — a wall was constructed between that part of Berlin controlled by the Communists and the other parts which were controlled by the Federal republic with Britain , France and the United States of America .
22 Brunel then prepared some guide-lines , which were approved by the other judges and sent to the assessors by Buckler on the same day .
23 They were new colonies which were produced by the existing colonies , even if in no friendly spirit , and the possibility that colonies could produce new colonies was likely to make the task of the government in London even harder if it ever tried to impose a unified colonial policy .
24 The real danger of course is the forthcoming Police bill the proposal which were instituted by the present er Treasurer , erm er the Chancellor er and instituted further on by the present Home Secretary would lead to a centrally appointed Police committee at least fifty percent and a centrally appointed chairman , paid by the Home Secretary much rather like the Leicestershire Health Authority and of course this will severely undermine the local democratic accountability of the Police service .
25 The original timber used was Oregon Pine , the inherent softness of which was aggravated by the wet conditions in which it lay .
26 As recent research is beginning to uncover , the 1880s witnessed the beginnings of a questioning of current forms of sexual morality from feminist intellectuals — a move which was stimulated by the various public sexual scandals of the decade .
27 The Government must find an answer to that key point , which was made by the hon. and learned Member for Burton , who has long experience at the Bar , and by my right hon. Friend the Member for Sparkbrook .
28 The world 's largest aircraft is a flying boat , the 200 tonne Spruce Goose , which was built by the elusive millionaire Howard Hughes .
29 Neither of the brothers spoke during their 13-minute appearance at the court which was attended by the dead girl 's father Kevin .
30 When he talked about the " transformation " of Algeria , as he did a great deal in 1959 and 1960 , de Gaulle slipped back into the rhetoric of his other association idea ( labour-capital association ) , a rhetoric which was influenced by the social catholicism of his early years .
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