Example sentences of "which [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Tenders were sought for a prototype body , 50 feet long and 8 feet wide , clearances for which were tested with the remaining Coronations .
2 Firstly , the analysis helped to distinguish those requirements of the task which were influenced by the specific nature of the problem from the more general requirement of searching a large problem space .
3 This ice cream boasts American parentage , though its ancestry goes back to the exotic sherbets which were made in the Arab kingdoms of Granada and Cordoba in Spain .
4 A more precise source for this than archaeology is the record of tax assessments , and more particularly the grants of tax relief which were made in the fifteenth-century reassessments .
5 The apparent paucity of copper may result from the emplacement of relatively anhydrous granites into tectonised and anhydrous metasediments , especially in the Dalradian and Moinian sediments of Scotland which were metamorphosed during the Ordovician Grampian orogeny and the later Caledonian event .
6 They discovered that compromises had to be made between the descriptive criteria of frequency and range of language items and pedagogic criteria which were adduced from the assumed purpose or process of learning ( see Mackey 1965 : Chapter 6 ; Widdowson 1968 : Chapter 1 ) .
7 These were Styria ( Steiermark ) , acquired by the Habsburgs in 1278 ; Carniola ( Krain ) and Carinthia ( Kärnten ) , which came to the Habsburgs in 1335 ; and Trieste , Görz-Gradisca and Istria , which were absorbed into the expanding Austrian realm later in the fourteenth century .
8 The flotation went some way to offset criticism of the Nigerian government in a World Bank report , the details of which were given in the Financial Times of March 16 .
9 As early as 1955 a CAB sub-committee was set up by the national committee to consider hire purchase problems as seen by bureaux all over the country and by other voluntary organisations with experience of families in difficulty ; and in addition to recommendations about trade practices , about possible action by local authorities , and other things , which were sent to the appropriate associations or government departments , the deliberations of the committee produced results which were to have an influence on the trend and standing of much CAB work in the future .
10 These are the pay and conditions which were imposed following the long spell of industrial action .
11 With his law of primitive socialist accumulation Preobrazhensky saw it essentially as being conditions which were imposed upon the Soviet economy ; either the state sector will grow or it will succumb to the private sector , but the ‘ law ’ itself is only manifested by a series of conditions which were conscious acts upon the part of the Soviet state , since it involved plans and planning .
12 and the interest rate to 10.5 per cent. , the tax burden on business has been lightened , there is a pay review body for teachers and better standards and choice for parents — all of which were opposed by the Labour party .
13 An independent hint that it was being used even earlier than the Shang dynasty is the appearance of turquoise , the nearest sources of which were situated on the Iranian plateau , during the initial Erh-li-t'ou stage of the Bronze Age . ’
14 Next month , we shall look at some more regiments , the senior components of which were raised in the early eighteenth century .
15 The Cathedral arms were placed on the largest candles — not the tapers which the pious burnt in the side chapels but the candles which were placed on the high altar .
16 The Ford Island scenes were mainly those of destruction of the PBYs , which were placed in the exact position of the those PBYs lost in the actual attack .
17 The actual work consisted of seven black and white photographs which were placed inside the Special Care Baby Unit .
18 Strathclyde has a substantial history of take-up campaigns , some of which were undertaken with the full co-operation of the DSS .
19 The distribution of hoards which were deposited in the Civil War does not closely reflect areas of fighting , nor does it correspond with regional variations in the density of population or wealth .
20 Latest figures show that this region has now lost almost all the jobs which were created during the properous years of the late eighties .
21 These activities are considered in the context of the two models of policy making — the rational model and the incremental model — which were examined in the previous chapter .
22 A mile to the west of Loch Gorm the road to Gruinart cuts through a settlement at An Sithern of about a dozen round houses which were constructed in the late Bronze Age and which a cursory examination has shown that they were used at least three times .
23 I shall then discuss two theories of literary language and of the literary text as a whole , which were developed under the joint influence of Saussure and the Russian Formalists .
24 Only a few years ago , during the " Hundred-Year Ceremony " propitiating the Gungung Agung volcano on Bali , Indonesia 's President Suharto attended the sacrifice of over eighty animals , including leopards and eagles , which were cast into the smoking crater .
25 Its greatest achievement was in devising , and later revising , criteria for the custodial sentencing of young offenders which were incorporated in the Criminal Justice Acts of 1982 and 1988 .
26 What is the point of decoding artefacts whose ‘ codes ’ were actually designed to be cracked , like those phoney communiqués which were fed to the German Intelligence Service during World War II ?
27 For poly ( methyl methacrylate ) samples , which were prepared under different conditions to give the three forms , resonances at τ = 8.78 , 8.95 and 9.09 were observed , which were assigned to the isotatic , heterotactic , and syndiotactic triads respectively .
28 In response to public unrest and dissension within the Cabinet over Vargas 's policies , which were supported by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank , President Rafael Angel Calderón Fournier had reversed in October some of the most controversial measures , including cuts in university budgets , which had caused student strikes , and had halted a programme of public-sector redundancies .
29 Finally , the common law contained areas of tortious liability for interference with family and service relationships which were based upon the archaic idea that a man had a proprietary interest in the services of his family and his servants .
30 A number of suggestions were outlined in the paper , many of which were formalized in the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978 .
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