Example sentences of "which [was/were] [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are documents of all sorts which were given to me by my father or which I found among his papers after his death in 1968 .
2 ‘ You have some papers , Fagin , ’ said Mr Brownlow quietly , ‘ which were given to you by Monks to look after . ’
3 There is a chapter which discusses the letters from Germans — ‘ good Germans ’ in the main — which were sent to him in response to his book about the camps .
4 It was found among a collection of magazines , news-sheets and leaflets which were sent to us by one of the researchers for our archives on feminism in the 20th century .
5 In City Fur Manufacturing Co. v. Fureenbond ( 1937 K.B. ) A owned some skins which were stored for him at an independent warehouse .
6 Two letter of thanks were then read — the first from Edith Harlow thanking all the teachers for the lovely handbag , matching gloves and cheque which were presented to her at the Essex Rally together with a jewel box , cheque , flowers and an iced cake all given by Essex teachers and class members .
7 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
8 ‘ Let me go , put me down , ’ and when he would n't , she tried to plunge her teeth into his arms which were clamped round her like steel bands .
9 He passed them on to another colleague who led us finally to our places which were kept for us in the Grand Salon .
10 Looking to the north , she could already see the curtains of snow which were sweeping towards them with terrifying speed .
11 In at least one case , an artist has requested the option to buy back his own work , only for his letter to go unanswered ; Saatchi is known to have split up one series of paintings which were sold to him on the strength of verbal assurances that they would stay together .
12 Most of the submissions which were addressed to us by Mr. Persaud took matters no further .
13 In January also he had to speak at Pusey House in Oxford on " The Lambeth Conference and Education " , but one student 's disappointment at his performance on this occasion suggests the strain and lack of preparedness which were forced on him during this period : " In questions Mr Eliot was most feeble and hesitant , humming and hawing much and throwing back the questions with " Is that not what I said ? " or " Does it not prove my point ? "
14 FIRST BLOOM DIANA 'S latest outing in the original dress , a favourite which was made for her in 1988 .
15 The request which was made to me in Committee was to bring forward amendments to enable the Secretary of State to set up a funding council , on the clear understanding that no commitment was being given that we would wish to do such a thing .
16 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
17 There is also almost no one there who feels enthusiastic about knowing Russian , which was imposed on them from above .
18 If so , it was at Combwich ( pronounced ‘ Cummage ’ ) that Coleridge first set foot within that secluded , forgotten territory , bounded by the Quantock Hills and a bleakly impressive coastline , which was to remain with him for the rest of his life .
19 His first column , under the generic strap-line ‘ Sitting on the Fence ’ , appeared on 30 November 1930 on page 3 — a star position — and under his new by-line , Nathaniel Gubbins , which was to remain with him for life .
20 It may mean ‘ this is a role which was ascribed to me as a woman and which I resented ’ .
21 Incidentally , the comedian Des O'Connor owns a guitar which was given to him by Holly , while Buddy was on tour in the UK .
22 The drama of the moment was recaptured in Perelandra , the second in the science-fiction trilogy , where Ransom remembers the strength which was given to him in a moment requiring supreme moral courage .
23 Jesus had no power of himself , he only communicated and performed through that which was given to him in relationship with the Father ( John 17:7f ) .
24 The Jews ' special characteristics derive from the religion which was given to them by Moses , which stressed one God who was invisible and would not allow images of Himself to be made for worship .
25 I–live in a house which was planned for there to be one , and we keep a reminder of that — a bell-board in the kitchen , used to summon the maid from there to other rooms in the house .
26 She left with the best wishes of all her colleagues — plus a colour TV which was presented to her by Tom Gorrie , Manager , Taurus .
27 Robin Smith has won the England player of the year award which was presented to him in London last night by the sponsors , Cornhill Insurance .
28 Although the survey vessel was now travelling at a speed faster than light , its occupants experienced no sense of progress other than that which was fed to them through the navigational telemetry .
29 Indeed , Eoin O'Duffy , who led an Irish contingent to Spain to help Franco , maintained that they had gone to fight the battle of Christianity against Communism , a view which was confirmed for them by the Irish Dominican father , Revd Paul O' Sullivan when he said :
30 At the time tomato purée for the restaurant was preserved in champagne bottles which were then sterilised — a method which was demonstrated to me by the cook at a pensione in Anacapri where I stayed during the summer of 1952 , and which I described in Italian Food .
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