Example sentences of "which [is] a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 they 've twinned us as it were , with a town called Wye , which is a similar size to Ottery St Mary in every respect .
2 The source of referral was not shown to influence the rate of change of management , which is a similar finding to that of Shoenut et al .
3 The first point is that , of the five people generally named in any discussion of the generation gap theory , four are Free Presbyterians , which is a similar concentration to that found in the first generation of Paisley activists .
4 Price is around £120 per 1220mm ( 4′ ) run , which is a cost-effective alternative to a tropical hardwood .
5 Which is a great relief to me personally .
6 I thank my right hon. and learned Friend for that reply , which is a great disappointment to all my right and hon. Friends .
7 He said : ‘ That our MPs should soil the party 's soul for a place on a committee which is a unionist invention to be used against independence , is staggering .
8 This will be included in the subscription and shareholders ' agreement as an obligation which the transferor must procure. ( 2 ) Exemption from the pre-emption provisions to allow : transfers within corporate groups : transfers to immediate relatives and family trusts ; transfers by an investor which is a managed fund to other funds managed by the same investor ; " warehousing " ( subject to the control of the investor ) .
9 The display is simple and of high quality , and , best of all , can be extinguished entirely , which is a useful aid to concentration as well as making a small but positive contribution to sound quality .
10 ‘ The voice which is the voice of my poetry , without imagination , can not be heard ’ — which is a nice snub to the critics , but could , I suppose , be used to justify any amount of bad writing .
11 Brazil has a heavy burden of international debt , which is a major contributor to its economic and health problems , but wealth is also characterised by striking internal divisions .
12 It also means that you 've spent a productive few hours studying , which is a major contribution to your weekly workload .
13 We are ready , we 've been eating raw meat and some of us can still move which is a major bonus to us
14 If only it were n't so cluttered up with oil installations , it would be so lovely , for the glimpses of countryside through the pipelines hint at the kind of rural charm which is a real balm to salt-stained mariners in from the sea .
15 The considerable structural and molecular homology shared by RYR and IP 3 R is mirrored in many functional similarities , the most striking of which is a common sensitivity to calcium .
16 More than this , however , it devalues Edinburgh 's reputation for probity in financial dealings which is a vital counterbalance to some of the excesses of the City of London .
17 Weber makes the switch by applying a microeconomic model of rational action in order to understand action which is a calculated means to an end .
18 It promises an openness which is a welcome antidote to the heavy centralisation embodied in the whole process .
19 Many horses prefer to eat by themselves , which is a basic response to a fear of losing their food .
20 Finally , consider the word " quotes " in the third sentence , and the common metaphorical senses of " trademark " ( meaning " a distinctive feature or characteristic " ) and " ammunition " ( meaning " some powerful means of support " ) ; these words introduce an element of informality — especially " quotes " , which is a marked alternative to " quotations " — which pulls the paragraph in exactly the opposite direction from the upward shift in register sought in " marital union " .
21 The realities of being in a situation where you ca n't choose your employment , which is an awful way to be when you do n't have any skills and you have to take whatever is dished out … there 's nothing worse than having to take what 's available .
22 The Faculty has the advantage of being located in the centre of the Scottish legal system with its own distinctive legal traditions , one of which is an historic openness to influences both from the civilian systems of Europe and the Anglo-American common law .
23 HT4 rat cells from the brain surface of cortex showed potentiation , which is an increased response to repeated stimulation .
24 Hills and meadows surround the church , and a gravel path leads from the quiet lane through an iron kissing gate , which is an alternative entrance to the wooden gates , bought to commemorate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .
25 Certainly it demonstrates a virile faith , which is an excellent example to every believer .
26 The second is called heuristic , which is an exploratory approach to problem solving and simulation that uses repeated ( iterative ) trial and error , each solution being assessed and used to modify successive attempts , until a final solution is achieved .
27 His ideal hero was a knightly hero who besides being brave and loyal was dignified , chivalrous , compassionate and vowed to the service of a rigid standard of personal conduct , the slightest violation of which is an unappeasable torment to his conscience .
28 As the Code requires equality of treatment of shareholders this will usually mean that takeovers of UK public companies will fall within the exemption , which is an important concern to the target 's shareholders as they could become liable to pay up the shares in cash if the section is contravened .
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