Example sentences of "which [vb -s] an [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is , in fact , a complex network of gene interactions , the product of one gene controlling the activity of others which involves an intimate relationship between nucleus and cytoplasm , because cytoplasmic signals play a crucial role in controlling transcription and thus determining whether genes are on or off .
2 Here again , there may be serious doubts about relevant anthropological facts , but the present point concerns the principle of the explanation , which involves an important difference from the incest case .
3 In my annual report to the Authority in May 1988 — and ILEA is the only LEA which receives an annual report from its Chief Inspector — I commented on the implementation of the ISS curriculum proposals , that in years four and five science should be compulsory ; at least one arts course should be followed ; and a technical subject should be a compulsory option .
4 Working members enjoy the social life at Llanfair Caereinion the headquarters of the railway , there are numerous hostelries and eating places within the village , a walking distance from the B R sleeping coach which offers an overnight rate of £1 per person .
5 Four British players — Sally Prosser , Janet Soulsby , Helen Wadsworth and Lora Fairclough — are the main challengers for the order of merit title , which offers an expenses-paid invitation to the $1.5 million Asahi Cup in Japan in September and complimentary flights on next year 's Asian Circuit .
6 It was run by Alfred Rozelaar Green who , having lived and worked in Paris before the war , wanted to imitate in London the French free academy system which offers an open house to anyone wishing to draw , paint or sculpt for as many or as few sessions as they wish .
7 In spite of a budget deficit which the government seems unable to control , Italy spends 9.6 billion ecu a year on industrial aid , which represents an average subsidy per employee of 3,136 ecu .
8 For a man who took out a 25-year mortgage endowment policy at the age of 29 with a £30-a-month premium , the payout on a policy maturing this year has been cut from £62,543 to £59,602 , which represents an annual rate of return of 13 per cent .
9 Therefore , we content ourselves with a degree of objectivity which represents an acceptable narrowing of the areas of difference between financial reports .
10 Any legal system has to have an ideological base which represents an ideological alliance between the ruling class and other classes and class fractions .
11 Another important component of pay is related to the length of service with the company which produces an escalating reward for loyalty .
12 But I am more disturbed by the sharp , diving whine of a mosquito , which produces an anticipatory tension by its frequency alone , just like the moment when the dentist turned on his drill and swung the whole clumsy contraption over my youthful , gaping mouth .
13 Moreover , in dealing with a phenomenon as complex as war — which produces an infinite variety of situations and is conducted by means whose technical features alter almost from year to year — there are inherent difficulties in laying down the law in the form of treaties .
14 Nevertheless , these associations are articulated into a new pattern , and it is the vocal which plays an essential part in that process , in making the song a rock song .
15 Previously when bottlenecks arose in the benefit delivery system regional or local decisions had to be made that might affect implementation , now there is a central ‘ directorate ’ which is likely to be involved in the examination of policy feasibility and which plays an important part in determining how policy is implemented .
16 Moreover , Brooks has stressed the verbal similarities between S 22 and S 985 , which records an alleged gift by Cnut and was copied by Eadui into a Christ Church gospel book in the form of a royal writ .
17 Conversion at common law may be committed in so many different ways that any comprehensive definition is probably impossible but the connecting thread running through the cases seems to be that the wrong is committed by a dealing with the goods of a person which constitutes an unjustifiable denial of his rights in them or the assertion of rights inconsistent therewith .
18 The move is much more towards learning by and from personal experience , not just in nursing , but from everyday life , from contact with others and from previous employment , anything which adds an extra dimension to the way we perceive problems and set about dealing with them .
19 A producer is defined by s. 1(2) as : ( i ) the manufacturer ( ii ) the person who wins or abstracts products ( iii ) the person who carries out an industrial or other process which adds an essential characteristic to a product which has not been won , abstracted or manufactured .
20 Which adds an interesting edge to it , I suppose .
21 This action is , of course , in direct contravention of the BMC 's much vaunted policy on where and how bolts may be placed , which places an absolute ban on bolting on any gritstone crag .
22 UNDER the heading of ‘ Obscure objects of desire ’ , an article in which one Julian Durlacher finds ‘ a magazine for you ’ which covers an extraordinary range of subjects such as the British Bee Journal , the Budgerigar , and Smooth , ‘ a fashion magazine for those who love rubber , leather and vinyl ’ , came mention of the official organ of the BIE .
23 In one example — Haringey , which covers an inner-city area of North London including Tottenham — the 5 per cent limit worked out at £7 million .
24 The line itself is made of copper , which has an average life of ten years over the whole system , but much less on sharp curves .
25 Even if you do n't go into consumer public relations which has an immediate relationship to selling , you will get to know the public as a consumer , get to understand how business is done , what product selling points are all about , and finally , learn how to sell yourself .
26 Not to be outdone by the bright lights and razzle dazzle of their closest competitor , but having nothing in the size league of the 53f5 , Jeanneau unveiled ( literally ) their new Jeanneau one-design which has an overall length of 34ft 9in ( 10.6m ) and a displacement of about 7,716lb ( 3.500kg ) .
27 Berghaus has a very comfortable jacket called the Chinook ( £140 ) , which has an inner lining of Windstopper , but it is not as warm as an equivalent one with a windproof outer .
28 Despite a strong domestic market position , general industrial has yet to develop fully its potential in continental Europe and the merger with Cromadex , which has an established network of centres in France and Germany , is seen as a way forward .
29 The use of an interactive computer as an aid to teaching involves programs , each of which has an identifiable range of content or subject matter X , the program provides a preset repertoire of computer ‘ comments ’ and ‘ responses ’ from which the teacher can select particular elements using the driving system ; these are designed to promote transactions with the pupils and the teacher aims at moving towards ‘ understanding X ’ .
30 Grants to State governments to cover parts of the costs of welfare and other programmes ( such as those for the construction of the Inter-State Highway system ) comprise only one of the elements of Federal spending which has an uneven impact on the various parts of the United States .
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