Example sentences of "which [vb base] be [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 However , as it was formerly part of the University and wished to revert to that status , the former has merged with University College , Cardiff — with the exception of its Social Work courses and its Higher National Diploma in Institutional Management which have been transferred to the South Glamorgan Institute — and the latter has remained a separate institution .
2 Reminders this indicates the number of reminders which have been sent to the user who is to reply to the SPR .
3 Residents , too frightened to be named , spelt out a catalogue of complaints against the travellers , many of which have been sent to the council .
4 S-shaped , X-shaped or rectangular ) which have been fixed to the walls .
5 In most of the cases regarding the equivalence of overseas qualifications which have been referred to the Darlington office of the Department of Education and Science , the minimum stated requirements have been a master 's degree , the equivalent of ‘ O ’ level passes in English and Maths , plus a full teaching qualification from a recognised Department of Education .
6 However , from 27 March until 21 December this year , visitors will be welcome in the garden and the aviary , and the tea-room and shop — which have been moved to the stables — will also be open .
7 However , last summer I saw German secret high command diaries , charts and maps , which have been given to the Imperial War Museum .
8 The smile may have come as a surprise to connoisseurs of the pictures of him which have been issued to the world .
9 This section covers any sums which have been awarded to the Policyholder in a court in the United Kingdom and have not been paid to the Policyholder within 3 months of the date of the award .
10 Erm at that erm meeting members did er bring up a number of points er , the comments and questions which have been put to the Environment Trust and the answers to them are there on page ninety five under progress to date and , and on onto page ninety six er , the main ones really are the question as to whether er , any rented housing could be provided erm , in the scheme is dealt with there the Environment Trust only develop for sale or for equity share er , they 're not a housing association , they 're a charitable body erm so they did n't feel that they were able to er , take on the role of er , provided rented housing in the scheme .
11 The explanation of this remarkable correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in humans and gelada baboons is to be found in evidence of parallels in the evolution of the two species which have been attributed to the likely existence of our hominid ancestors in a habitat similar to that of today 's gelada baboon and to a resultant comparability of life-style and evolutionary adaptation .
12 Early plans for what was called the finest waterfront site in Europe included a heritage centre , now nearly complete , and a leisure complex with bowling alley , cinemas , food stores and nightclub , none of which have been attracted to the site .
13 This is because it has been replaced by more suitable roads which have been adapted to the continually changing pattern of communications and settlement development .
14 This page displays all the SPRs which have been linked to the DC .
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