Example sentences of "which [vb base] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In situations of this sort the exchange may need special rules , or even powers , which allow it to act for reasons of market integrity alone , and in order to preserve investor confidence , regardless of whether the parties involved are at fault .
2 My world of science is so much richer than theirs , because I not only know the systematic names , but I am also fluent in the trivial ones , the scientific nicknames which allow us to chat about science over coffee .
3 We have had two readings which allow us to look at Jeremiah and Paul in particular detail .
4 Unlike oceanic dolphins , they have articulated vertebrae similar to those of land mammals , which enable them to manoeuvre through tree trunks and roots in flooded forests .
5 Thank you for the home groups which help us to grow in fellowship .
6 Yet it remains true that , with a few exceptions ( which include anything to do with ships ) , the Greeks are not good at working together in large groups .
7 A comment of interest , when subscriptions to pay for the bell were not forthcoming appears in the Church magazine : " This is a matter which the Non-conformist might reasonably be expected to support , a fine peal of bells is something for all inhabitants of Halling to be proud of , they are rung on many occasions , which have nothing to do with church services " .
8 We are talking about living communities : dynamic , changing ; subject to pressures which have nothing to do with agriculture ; but imposing on other aspects of life constraints which arise from involvement in agriculture .
9 If we take sentences without contexts and devise interpretations for them on the basis of the mutual compatibility or otherwise of the type-meaning of the words in them , we are putting ourselves under constraints which have nothing to do with syntax ; by thus restricting and deforming our appreciations of the structure we prevent ourselves seeing what the effect of the syntax , qua syntax , is .
10 Hence the elaboration and the perfection of explanations for inflation which have nothing to do with Government is something in which you naturally find politicians of all schools , but particularly of the public expenditure school , joining with good will .
11 ‘ People are looking for values which have nothing to do with success . ’
12 From Les Amants to Pretty Baby he has often seemed to be using sexual subjects to make films about something else entirely , and in as much as sex and the life force are connected , his two sexiest films remain Viva Maria and Zazie dans Le Metro , which have nothing to do with sex at all .
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