Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [adv] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 If the dog drops down as commanded then it will be unlikely to disturb the horses , which may otherwise be unnerved and could even attempt to bolt off .
2 A small company , perhaps exploring foreign markets for the first time , will have requirements different from those of larger institutions which may already be tried and tested in the international arena .
3 Finally , once the client has agreed the schedule with the agency ( which may well be done before the content of the ads is finally agreed ) , it is the media person 's job to go out into the marketplace and buy the press space , the poster sites or the TV , radio or cinema spots .
4 We should also be careful to distinguish between overt formal parts , which may well be labelled or explicitly stated in the original , and parts which discourse senders and receivers orientate to but do not label .
5 Then the density of undisturbed fluid at height Δz is ( the suffix a signifying ‘ ambient ’ ) , which may also be expressed where N is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency .
6 It is important , however , that employees retain a sense of perspective in identifying words and conduct which may reasonably be perceived as causing harassment , alarm or distress as opposed to mere annoyance .
7 11.1 During the continuance of this Agreement the Proprietor shall not without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion abridgement or revision of the Work or of any part of it or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
8 4 DURING THE CONTINUANCE of the Publishing Agreement , neither of the Authors shall without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion , abridgement or revision of the Work or of part of it ; or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
9 11.1 During the continuance of this Agreement the Company shall not without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion abridgement or revision of the Work or of any part of it or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
10 There is however one kind of inclination which may legitimately be classed as inherently egoistic or altruistic , the biological drive either to self-preservation or to preservation of offspring or others .
11 You should select of the following options which may only be done when the combination of old and new mail is not zero : —
12 We therefore conclude with a brief examination of a number of studies which either explicitly compare bargaining structures of different countries at a sub-national level , or which seek to identify systematically by means of quantitative methods inter-industry determinants within a single , national industrial relations system — the results of which may then be compared as between countries .
13 ( This is not of course to say that assignment amounts to assertion ; assignment is a necessary move in forming a syntactic-semantic construction , which may then be asserted or questioned or even indicated as the situation that the speaker desires to bring about . )
14 The Hard Copy system is provided as three stand-alone programs which should only be run when the LIFESPAN process is not running :
15 Safeguards would have to be built into the use of post-selection , pre-placement medical examinations , which should only be permitted if all successful applicants are subjected to such a medical examination .
16 The occasion of a partner leaving or joining the firm should always be taken as the opportunity to update the provisions of the agreement and , since each single provision is properly looked at in the context of the entire document , it is the whole agreement which should then be reconsidered and not simply isolated clauses .
17 This species is another of those which should always be considered as needing to be kept in pairs .
18 It is obvious that those doctors who practised the therapeutic community approach had doubts about the complete integration of psychiatric patients into general hospitals , which must perforce be organized and run in a radically different manner .
19 So Eddy 's discovery should imply that the Sun is merely in a temporary phase of contraction , which must soon be halted and reversed .
20 Unpasteurised milk , such as used for Gospel Green cheese , will curdle naturally through the action of the bacteria that is present when the milk is heated , but the addition of the starter culture , which must always be used when cheese is made from pasteurised milk , hastens the process .
21 All the creatures that we have to kill and eat , all those that we have to strike down and destroy to make clothes for ourselves , have souls , like we have , souls that do not perish with the body , and which must therefore be propitiated lest they should avenge themselves on us for taking away their bodies ( see Rasmussen , 1929 ) .
22 When an act or omission involving fault which might otherwise be regarded as founding an action occurs , there must , in order for such act or omission to be regarded as negligent , be then and there in existence some legal person to sue or be sued .
23 The emphasis with the old , as with any other age-group , should be on prevention before the need for cure arises , and some elderly people suffer quite unnecessarily from the ‘ silent ’ types of illness which show no dramatic symptoms in their early stages ( such as anaemia ) , and which might well be diagnosed if they visited their doctor at six-monthly intervals when feeling at all ‘ off colour ’ .
24 While a person engaged in a particular event can rarely see the whole set of circumstances in clear perspective he can record the minutiae of a situation which might well be lost when the position is looked back on at a later date .
25 It is the latter 's contention that Ultimate Concern , the holy or unconditional , expresses itself in a variety of forms : in painting , which may have no religious content in the traditional sense ; in philosophy , when attempts are made to understand the nature of ultimate reality ; in ideologies which might normally be regarded as secular , such as , nationalism , socialism and humanism ; and in traditional religions .
26 There were what Cole calls difficulties , but which might better be identified as disadvantages , for the retail co-operatives in so constituting the production arm as to admit the bonus to labour .
27 As a result the banks found themselves in a quandary — they had lent vast sums of money which could neither be repaid nor return interest .
28 Known in due course as the Deep , or Horse Level , it was the lowest tunnel which could conveniently be driven and still serve the new Bonsor Mill .
29 What seemed to me most significant about the period I chose to study was that this was the moment of transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance , a transition which could best be observed and studied in drawing , which lends itself to greater experimentation .
30 And you needed even more patience when others ignored danger signals warning of serious illness , such as the stiffness in the joints , dismissed as unimportant , yet because of the background of dirt , possibly resulting in tetanus , which could rarely be cured unless it was caught in time .
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