Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the second case the land speculator with capital may acquire land With hope value land which may control or prevent development of adjoining land such as sight lines or access points , and key parcels of land which may ultimately form part of a larger site .
2 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
3 Requirements will include access for equipment and fire escapes , which may well affect layout of the site and space around buildings .
4 In open country , trees becomes sites for breeding colonies which may also facilitate synchronization of breeding .
5 Redundancy , however , will often imply a major organisational change in the business , in which case other factors may have to be considered which may cumulatively outweigh length of service in a particular case .
6 It is suggested that when someone is threatened with a weapon during a crime the victim may focus his or her attention on the weapon to a degree which may subsequently hinder identification of the assailant .
7 Second , in the same area , again there have been proposals for a cyclists ’ crossing of the traffic island to link Bristo Place to George Square , which should also become part of the scheme .
8 Furthermore , it is crucial that those already in the profession — whether students , auxiliaries , enrolled , registered or specialist nurses — have the opportunity to seek the nursing career that they desire through adequate educational facilities , which must also take account of developments such as nurse prescribing and nurse practitioners .
9 All of which must surely bring business from surrounding areas into Liverpool thereby benefitting the city and everybody .
10 Also many types of road which might otherwise give rise to noise nuisance will have been constructed pursuant to statutory powers after all relevant planning procedures have been complied with and compensation paid where appropriate .
11 English teachers need to be ready to give careful introductions and support when using texts which might otherwise cause offence to some groups ; for example , if a character with racist attitudes is portrayed , even though the author may not be supporting such attitudes .
12 There were those which might even take part in a contract with a miner , and such agreements had not to be broken nor confidences betrayed .
13 I am not referring to the conservative perspective which condemns sexual deviance per se , but to another viewpoint , one which might actually endorse deviance in principle , at least if it were seen as a quest for authentic selfhood of the kind explored in Chapter 3 .
14 Not only were they more cheaply remunerated — at the church 's expense , mainly — and far more experienced in the business and technicalities of administration and negotiation , but their clerical status gave them a weight which most laymen could only acquire by aristocratic connections or by ennoblement ; lay chancellors , to be of any consequence , needed political and dynastic links , which could also spell danger for the king .
15 This would give double the required output voltage which could easily cause damage to the power supply components and beyond .
16 But he also emphasised the need for greater spending on transport and communications , science and research and development — programmes which could yet take priority over health spending under a Labour government .
17 A strong force of 26 heavy line-of-battle ships was based on Plymouth to protect the western approaches and patrol up-Channel towards the Nore , while Vernon himself took command of a smaller fleet , of rather weaker vessels , in the Downs , which could either sail west down the Channel or north-east to intercept an enemy making for the Thames estuary .
18 The importance of Leigh is that the court was prepared to treat the " open justice " principle as a rule of law which could be asserted by a journalist against a discretionary policy , rather than as a desirable state of affairs which could nonetheless give way to judicial convenience .
19 As Lothar was still only in the lower clerical orders , those of the deacon , he had to be ordained priest , which could only take place on the ember days , so accordingly the ceremonies were delayed until Saturday and Sunday 21/22 February , six weeks after the election .
20 Nonetheless , whatever success was achieved within these programmes it was not enough to change the general picture of an agricultural system which could only expand production by having access to more land .
21 If the ‘ need ’ can be clearly justified on social grounds then there is a prima facie case for either altering the distribution of income ( if that would permit the need to be translated into monetary demand ) or producing the product for social non-commodity distribution ( which would presumably involve nationalisation of the enterprises concerned ) .
22 Either send in a large team , which would eventually draw attention to itself ; use a sleeper , which would only cause its own problems ; or call in a loner .
23 Government sources said , however , that in the end it was the conditions which would eventually determine timing of British participation .
24 By May the play was almost complete — all that was necessary was the process of readjustment which would necessarily take place in consultation with director and actors .
25 There are predictions that the deficit could narrow significantly , which would undoubtedly provide support for sterling .
26 CPRW contends that it illustrates all too clearly how a development which would never obtain consent in the enlightened planning world of today , can creep incrementally but inexorably towards permanence through stealth and dogged persistence .
27 Mr Coleman promised he would not push for legislation which would severely restrict abortion in Virginia .
28 It was intended that all parties should agree on two new treaties at the December 1991 European Council meeting at Maastricht , Netherlands , which would then require approval by member country parliaments before they entered into force .
29 A NEW hospital service which will dramatically improve treatment for up to 1,000 people a year has been launched in Belfast .
30 One is to depend on supplementary benefit , which will generally include money for the payment of the interest on an existing mortgage .
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