Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [be] taken [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Where odours arising from offensive trades are , however , in the opinion of the local authority a statutory nuisance within s.92 of the Public Health Act 1936 the local authority is under a duty to take action to seek the odour 's abatement and compliance with the byelaws bestows no immunity in respect of any action which may be taken using the statutory nuisance provisions , nor in respect of any action for a private or public nuisance at common law .
2 As to the periods of restraint , the court observed that their reasonableness was " hardly susceptible of proof by specific evidence " , " some weight should be given to the fact that the restriction is found in a partnership agreement which has evidently been carefully drafted and which must be taken to represent the views of experienced solicitors who would be well aware that an unduly severe restriction would be unenforceable " .
3 There is a passage in Mr Palomar which plays on the dialectic between speech ( or communicative language ) and silence and which might be taken to foreshadow the structure of the book as a whole .
4 The purpose of such investigation will be to determine the precise nature of the incident , to examine the factors contributing to its occurrence and to identify any measures which might be taken to minimise the likelihood of a repetition of this or a similar incident .
5 OUTPUT inched up again in the fourth quarter of 1992 for the second quarter running , which could be taken to mean the recession has formally ended .
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