Example sentences of "which [vb mod] [be] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 The value of this work can be assessed by the fact that of 2,000 parts which may be needed for the repair of a bomber , 1,000 of them could often be obtained from such recoveries .
2 The sum of these two numbers together will allow you to choose the most important and characteristic symptoms of the case which should be used for the next step .
3 I am conscious that I speak in parable ; but all that vast organisation and provision which must be made for the old in the coming generation will bring disappointment unless the purpose at the heart of it is one that satisfies .
4 Another form of sun-clock employing the direction rather than the length of the sun 's shadow was the sundial , but the Egyptians who invented it were far from understanding the subtleties involved in making an accurate instrument of this type , which must be calibrated for the latitudes of the different places where it is to be used .
5 Ticking off items on a mental list , Ashley decided that everything which might be needed for the weekend had been packed .
6 Following questions in Parliament , the Department of Trade and Industry announced last October that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading UK export controls , and would be restricted .
7 On 17 October , Mr Sainsbury announced — ‘ in the light of publicity ’ — that ‘ oversized ’ cuffs and certain linking chains , which could be used for the same purpose as leg irons , had been evading export control .
8 He had at his discretion a sum — a considerable sum , in the view of the Accounts Department — which could be used for the payment of informers .
9 The total marks which could be awarded for the combined subjects was 100 .
10 Babies also become human adults ; the significance of which will be reserved for the next section .
11 If that is repeated in we would expect about five hundred thousand pounds to be included in next year 's , that 's the ninety five six , special transitional grant in respect of erm er the independent living fund so that 's quite a significant increase next which will be scheduled for the year after the budget we are now considering .
12 I set out below the additional information which will be required for the week commencing [ date ] .
13 Either English for Business ( First Level ) or English for Commerce ( First Level ) must be passed for the First Level Certificate in Commercial Studies award ( which will be offered for the first time in 1993 ) .
14 Make the most of the unusual low fluty sound ( which can be mistaken for the sound of muted trumpets ) , as well as the capacity for flowing arabesques in the higher registers .
15 Only when the agency is satisfied that they have a film which can be made for the money and will be allowed on air should it be shown to the client .
16 At the root of my disgust is not rampant misanthropy , despite the ample evidence which can be adduced for the evils of humankind .
17 Special provisions apply to the National Coal Board 's operations , which can be ignored for the moment .
18 Essentially , of course , a freehold is seen as an appreciating asset the value of which can be realised for the benefit of the firm free from tax ( where the proceeds of sale are reinvested in other firm property ) .
19 Vincent rented a studio — ‘ that is , a room and an alcove which can be arranged for the purpose , cheap enough ’ — on the outskirts of town , at Schenkweg 138 , close to Ryn station .
20 It may mean that a neonatal intensive care unit , after careful reflection , rather than emotional appeals and ‘ shroud-waving ’ , may have to give way to a number of other services , relating , for example , to the mentally ill , all of which can be financed for the cost of one such unit , which , in combination , will facilitate a measure of improvement in the patients ' conditions and their integration into society .
21 Whatever may be the instigating factor in a piece of research , whether it be a random observation or a sudden thought in the library , there is a common form of procedure which can be used for the research .
22 The Institute of Investment Management and Research ( IIMR , formerly the Society of Investment Analysts ) has set up a sub-committee under my chairmanship to decide on the calculation of an earnings figure which can be used for the per-share calculation and for price/earnings ratios .
23 Even the garden , which can be used for the conspicuous display of flowers and shrubs rather than the more utilitarian purpose of growing food , may become part of this .
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