Example sentences of "which [vb past] been [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 They had managed to buy the son of inexpensive terrace house which had been built at the end of the nineteenth century for workers and which still continued to be in a working-class area .
2 Japan had assumed control over Korea , Formosa , the Pescadores and the southern half of Sakhalin , which had been obtained at the end of the Russo Japanese War in 1905 .
3 The material included flammable and toxic paint residues and solvents which had been stored at a site in Essex not licensed to deal with hazardous waste .
4 But while new projects were opening , the Board was forced to depart from its Shetland Islands project which had been undertaken at the invitation of the Shetland Islands Council and the Island Council Charitable Trust .
5 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
6 Mr Piggott clicked his false teeth in disapproval at such wicked waste , and shook his head at the ‘ FOR SALE ’ board which had been erected at the gate the week before .
7 Those results would suggest that the other tumours were in fact new tumours , rather than persistent tumours which had been missed at the first cystoscopy .
8 Representatives from the 51 member states , including 29 Presidents and 10 Prime Ministers , discussed an agenda which had been prepared at the 55th session of the OAU Council of Ministers on June 22-27 , also held in Dakar .
9 Representatives from the 51 member states , including 29 Presidents and 10 Prime Ministers , discussed an agenda which had been prepared at the 55th session of the OAU Council of Ministers on June 22-27 , also held in Dakar .
10 Two formica sculptures by Richard Artschwager , ‘ Book II ( Nike ) ’ ( lot 38 , est. $150–200,000 ) and ‘ Chair ’ ( lot 40 , est. $80–100,000 ) , both of which had been exhibited at the Saatchi Collection last summer , sold inexpensively for $100,000 ( £55,600 ) and $50,000 ( £27,800 ) respectively .
11 It was announced on Jan. 22 that the United Kingdom was to return gold worth £90,000,000 ( US$160 million ) which had been deposited at the Bank of England before the annexation of the Baltic states by the Soviet Union in 1940 .
12 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
13 Eddy was working with mathematician Aram Boornazian on a study of measurements of the Sun 's diameter which had been made at the Royal Greenwich Observatory between 1836 and 1953 .
14 By making an alliance with Megara , Athens was clearly seeking to secure herself from a lightning invasion from the west — the threat which had been made at the time of Thasos .
15 The release of the two Germans opened the way for the unfreezing of European Community ( EC ) aid to Lebanon which had been withheld at the insistence of the German government .
16 The museum , owned by U.S. Aerobatic Team member Kermit Weeks , was totally demolished by winds reported to have exceeded 200 mph — so strong that a DC-6 which had been parked at the airport was found over a mile away .
17 Only aerial defence depicted in the film was the efforts of two Air Corps pilots , George Welch and Kenneth Taylor , in their P–40s which had been parked at the auxiliary field at Haleiwa and not received any attention from the Japanese .
18 The visit to the bank by the wife after undue influence had been exercised upon her by the husband was purely a matter of formality of signing the document which had been retained at the bank and which was done without any kind of advice in the presence of a junior member of the staff .
19 In the bag were four spent cartridge cases , which had been found at the locus of the attack on Foster and Lomax .
20 Indeed , in some ways the EDC treaty went beyond the ECSC in that Article 38 , which had been included at the insistence of Italy , required the Common Assembly to study ways of establishing federal institutions along with a popularly elected legislature .
21 In the event , their most important findings were not ones which had been anticipated at the planning stage of the study .
22 And in fact at the end of the expedition ski poles which had been left at the bottom of the climb had vanished .
23 The reform package , which had been agreed at a constitutional conference which had included federal , provincial and native leaders , was a successor to the Meech Lake Accord which had collapsed in 1990 .
24 The meeting broke up , however , without any agreement on a cut in production , which might have pushed up prices , meaning that OPEC retained the official total production ceiling of 22,086,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) which had been agreed at the November 1989 meeting [ see p. 37053 ] .
25 Chilperic 's son , Chlothar II ( 584 – 629 ) , was excluded from this arrangement , which had been agreed at the Treaty of Andelot in 587 .
26 The West German stock market , which had been boosted at the start of the year by the prospect of German unification , had stalled as the year progressed and as the costs of funding unification led to fears of high interest rates and possible tax increases .
27 In 1643 he was made a marshal of France and his first command with that rank required him to reorganise the army of Weimar which had been smashed at the battle of Tüttlingen .
28 Soviet Germans , about two million strong , established a new All-Union Society of Germans in early 1989 and called for the restoration of their autonomous republic , which had been abolished at the outbreak of the war in 1941 .
29 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
30 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) signed an historic commercial agreement with the Russian Space Agency on June 18 , the basis for which had been established at the June summit between US President George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin [ see pp. 38985-86 ] .
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