Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I skulked down one side of the garden and went through the arch which led me to a walled garden in the middle of which there was a fountain playing .
2 The cave itself was surprisingly warm and we realised we were walking through a gallery which led us into a lofty underground cavern .
3 Other voluntary hospitals with such funds lost them to the Exchequer , which pooled them in a central fund .
4 This is a role which provided him with a great deal of satisfaction .
5 Consequently , rather than viewing the totalitarian structure of the PCF as a source of oppression , it is more productive to view it as the chosen institution within which Nizan found not only political asylum but also emotional and moral equilibrium , a refuge in short which provided him with a necessary disciplined working environment .
6 In France many noblemen , especially those of middling to lower rank , were so impoverished that they needed the king 's wages , which provided them with a better and surer income than did their lands .
7 ‘ I think I 'm going to vomit , ’ she muttered to no one in particular , and sat down with a plop on a new imitation Italian chair , which received her with a reedy groan .
8 Whilst on bail awaiting trial , he was served with statements of his co-accused which implicated him to a significant extent .
9 But on a hummock by the road a starling-sized bird turned round to reveal a brilliant crimson front which identified it as a long-tailed meadowlark , locally called military starling .
10 Sampras admitted he felt powerless in the face of Ivanisevic 's 13-ace onslaught which consigned him to a 7–6 6–2 defeat .
11 Chung ran a campaign — widely compared with that of Ross Perot in the US elections — which portrayed him as a political " outsider " with direct economic experience gleaned as the head of a giant commercial concern .
12 The only impressions from his heavy sleep which touched him with a faintest trace were mysteriously , elusively compounded of plumed candle flame , drumming rain , a ship held by ice , huddled sheep , and a malignant shadow stooped-muttering over a desk or table or bench in a room or a cell he thought he might have been able to recognize if only he could have opened his eyes .
13 The only impressions from his heavy sleep which touched him with a faintest trace were elusively compounded of dank , dripping trees , dazzling headlights , stairways , huddled sheep , a ship held by ice mast-high , and a sick man with skin blotched with words gibbering upon a bed in a room in a house he thought he might have been able to recognize if only he could have opened his eyes .
14 To wit : Syrett , beautiful but doomed , cut his hand on a wine glass at a party and , after ignoring his doctor 's advice to avoid climbing , did irreparable damage to his tendons which started him on a tightening spiral of alcoholism and eventual suicide .
15 My own suggestion that we were dealing with a whole nest of Mata Haris was declared plausible but incorrect while Team C , consisting of two middle-aged couples , produced two theories , the second of which named me as a potential mole !
16 We could hear the V2s thudding down onto London in the far distance , but the sound came over as a far-off double bang , which puzzled us for a long time until someone told us what it was .
17 It was this radar-like scanning of the night around him , which warned him of a new impending danger .
18 It was the Physics which led him to Engineering , and the Engineering which took him as a National Serviceman to Germany and the experimental air fields .
19 The new committee found an immediate ally in the district societies , which saw it as a potent means of influencing the Institute 's technical effort .
20 Blackburn has been associated with the New Left Review 's analysis of the Labour Party , which saw it as a Labourist trend in politics with no connection to socialism .
21 Pouting seductively , she assumed a pose which presented her as a raving sexpot , as she alluringly slipped the flimsy straps of her silk and lace petticoat from her ivory shoulders .
22 The pluralist perspective on British politics was built up by political scientists who were predisposed to provide an account of interest-group politics which presented it in a good , democratic light .
23 Oh , I might , thought Lydia , but she said : ‘ I did n't poison Betty either ’ , in a childishly defensive way which put her in a worse mood .
24 He persuaded Reid 's wife , actress Dorothy Davenport , to sign Wally 's commitment papers which put him into a private sanatorium .
25 He was a good artist , and he was certainly a competent amateur astronomer , sending several observations of comets and of the planet Uranus to the Gentleman 's Magazine and to the American Philosophical Society , which enrolled him as a foreign member in 1787 .
26 Pilot Stephen Grey was unhurt apart from a minor neck injury which hospitalised him for a short period .
27 Unfortunately he suffered damage to a knee which left him with a permanent slight limp .
28 The restaurant is on a lease and I understand that when the lease ran out there was a law which entitled me to a new one .
29 Commander Leonard Burt , who was to be the recipient of Joyce 's confessions many years later , noted this sense of grievance which characterised him as a young man :
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