Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In both cases I worked on oil on panel which I later fixed to the walls .
2 The landlord wants a months deposit and another month 's rent in advance which I already paid to the agency .
3 I began Chapter 4 by contrasting two views of physics , which I loosely characterized as the instrumental and expressive view .
4 The answer is 0.9 recurring , but I do not expect to be awarded great sums of public money for this discovery , which I freely give to the world ; nor do I demand the overthrow of government and its takeover by a gang of lower-class hooligans .
5 A wobbling of the stepping stone , a panicky leap — and I landed sprawling on a soft , spongy blanket of sphagnum moss : to find the fingers of my right hand touching a small plant — which I instantly recognised as the common sundew .
6 Well this year 's capital expenditure will be around twenty five million and last year 's figure was twenty three million the point I was making in the speech was that twenty three million included nine million pounds for the , we must have some static in our nine million pounds for the purchase of freeholds , erm but the capital expenditure this year is spread right across the operation includes introduction of erm re-fits in a number of stores includes expansion in France , investment in systems and hardware and indeed also includes ah about five million pounds for a retail park development which I also referred to the park development on which we have an interest in the sense that we are developing an M F I store .
7 Grey is the colour of pavements — and of the walls of the centres for homeless people which I sometimes visited during the day .
8 ‘ I began reading politics early on but also my parents taught me that the greatest value was compassion , which I undoubtedly linked to the Labour Party . ’
9 For eating purposes Orkney Cheddar is pretty soapy and bears no resemblance whatever to a cheese actually brought from the Orkneys which I once tasted in the house of Edinburgh friends of mine .
10 Both pieces of equipment had obviously been rebuilt with meticulous and loving care and shone with glossy new paint of the dark green picked out with gold which I always associate with the more impressive railway engines .
11 We sat around his bed and he went into one of the formidable silences which I now accepted as the concomitant of wisdom .
12 In such an ethic , my rational ends at any one time would be the goals , whether of long-term ambition or of momentary caprice , to which I spontaneously tend in the fullest awareness then available , and all my deliberate acts would be means to these ends .
13 Not the one in which he aimed highest , but the one in which his inspiration is most fully sustained ; the one with the strongest dramatic thrust ; the only one in which you truly care about the fate of the characters .
14 She may have been led to the variations by the necessarily high-class backgrounds of her Lord Peter 's earlier investigations , but the book in which she definitively arrived at the backgrounder was The Five Red Herrings of 1931 , in which murder takes place in an artists ' colony in Galloway in Scotland .
15 In a second article on the killings , Naipaul 's wife Patricia used the word ‘ antics ’ to characterise the behaviour of the De Freitas set , which she firmly separated from the serious politics of the Caribbean .
16 She dresses in a cat suit ( which she even wears in the bath ) , she eats raw fish on the floor , and sits on the garden wall at night , howling .
17 Dame Joan gave a compelling performance , handling the coloratura apparently without effort , and rising superbly to the final altissimo E flat — a stratospheric note which she then repeated in the encore .
18 The blood-red surround to the child again emphasises the raw reality of childbirth and is placed against the blue which we traditionally associate with the Madonna .
19 The suggested the distinctive Volvo 460 , which we duly put to the test .
20 It follows that ‘ those sensations must be all that we can , at bottom , mean by their attributes ; and the distinction which we verbally make between the properties of things and the sensations we receive from them , must originate in the convenience of discourse rather than in the nature of what is signified by the terms ’ .
21 The results of this work were disseminated most recently at a workshop in Peterborough on 7 November 1991 which we jointly sponsored with the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service .
22 First , we tried a direct approach and ground up polarizing region cells and put the mixture into agar blocks which we then grafted to the anterior margin .
23 Certainly , erm , it has changed this year , erm , but the arrangements now are , that we produce our report across the year , with i , and as you can appreciate the report summarises various , of one thing we done during the with officers around the county round the Erm , at the , at the end of November , we commit to writing this report in summary version , which we then discuss with the Chief Executive and the County Treasurer in particular , they take whatever soundings they wish with other offices and then we agree that letter .
24 It may seem natural to assume that the divergences between different European countries , which we now observe in the war phase of the Gulf crisis , will automatically be prolonged in the postwar phase as well .
25 It saw the laying to rest of the old war-torn , Dark-age Europe and the emergence of a distinct and purposeful civilization , which we now recognize as the first flowering of the Middle Ages .
26 In the case of William Wordsworth we are fortunate in possessing his own very full account of the first part of his life , roughly down to the mid-1790s , in the ‘ Poem ’ addressed to Coleridge which we now know as The Prelude .
27 There were delays in correspondence owing to the war , and Wordsworth decided to finish , as a tribute to his friend , the ‘ poem to Coleridge ’ which we now know as the 1805 Prelude .
28 Might not St Paul or Thomas Aquinas raise an eyebrow at the idea that their views continue to be cited , given the knowledge which we now have about the origin of humankind or the biological relation of woman to man ? l6
29 If the Liberal-SDP Alliance were ever in a position to implement electoral reform , a reformed and strengthened second chamber , and legal limits on the sovereignty of Parliament , then we could find ourselves with a constitution which entrenched the middle ground and which offered a democracy of dazzling choice but no decision , and a less-accountable government than that which we currently enjoy within the established constitution .
30 There is a frustrating lack of the sort of corroborative evidence for the carrying-out of functions which we occasionally have in the case of counts and missi .
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