Example sentences of "which [noun pl] be [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One way around this particular problem would be to adapt the approach recommended by the Canadian Sentencing Commission ( 1997 ) , in which guide-lines are used in the first instance simply to indicate offences for which the presumptive sentence would ( or would normally ) involve a community sanction , and those which would ( or would normally ) involve a custodial penalty .
2 The academics ' letter to The Independent , for which signatures were gathered over the past fortnight , expressed dismay at the damage it said had been inflicted on universities and polytechnics since 1979 .
3 Transformational-generative grammar ( T-grammar ) A grammar in which transformations are included among the rules , by which the set of grammatical items are specified , is called a transformational-generative , transformation or T-G grammar .
4 The repeal of the sedition statute failed to avert a march by 10,000 students through Taipei on March 20 , during which calls were made for the resignation of the Prime Minister , Gen. Hau Pei-tsun .
5 I therefore propose that Coopers and Lybrand be and are hereby appointed auditors to the company , to hold office from the conclusion of this meeting until the conclusion of the next meeting er , of the company at which accounts are laid for the company in accordance with section two four one Companies Act Nineteen Eighty Five and that their remuneration for this period be fixed by the directors .
6 To re-appoint Price Waterhouse as Auditors of the Company to hold office until the next general meeting at which Accounts are laid before the Company and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration .
7 The Company is required to appoint auditors at each general meeting at which accounts are laid before the Company to hold office until the next such meeting .
8 His original mind and interests in music , linguistics and the human voice led him to study the problems of deaf education and to invent " The New Sign Language , " in which every sign was a pantomimic version of the spoken word and in which signs were made in the same order and in the same sequel as the words of normal speech .
9 Its numbers had increased by 1979 to 3,000 from only 800 a century ago , when it had been expected to disappear : its only use was for bloodless bull-fighting in which ribbons are snatched from the bull 's horns .
10 One immediate advantage of this arrangement was the ability to control the point in time at which datafiles were extracted from the database .
11 He said that the money should be used for job creation projects in 1993 with a clear indication as to which projects were funded by the levy . .
12 This is a collection of strange bedfellows , but is an interesting reflection of the high esteem in which artists were held at the time .
13 For both Piaget and Hegel , the initial stages are highly egocentric , equivalent to the development of mind , but in the later stages the subject is increasingly confronted by the social world in which rules are imposed from the outside .
14 It is worthwhile to attempt to form some estimate of the hazard by means of transport tests in which products are shipped by the route in question and returned for examination .
15 Genes are made of the nucleic acid DNA , and they exert their effect by determining which proteins are made in the cell .
16 In a long and bitter attack on the political system in Germany , one commentator has drawn attention to the questionable practices which arise from a system in which parties are subsidised by the state , a practice justified by the need to have strong parties in order to maintain a healthy political culture :
17 The unit prices are published daily in the form of an offer-bid spread ( the price at which units are offered to the public and the price bid by the management for redemption which differ by around 6% ) .
18 He made his call at a meeting of high-level civil servants , police and military officers on Nov. 2 , three days before a House of Representatives debate on prostitution at which demands were made for the closure of all brothels nationwide .
19 Local Management of Schools ( LMS ) under which schools are funded on the basis of pupil numbers , open enrolment which allows schools to recruit outside their immediate catchment area , and the publication of certain test and examination results combine to make schools compete with each other for pupils .
20 UA officials had a conference at which doubts were expressed about the possibility of the film 's being able to recoup its investment if the budget was extended .
21 Since nominal GDP growth is probably decelerating fast , the budget may need to be loose — which risks being misinterpreted by the headline-writers and the markets as the Tories going soft .
22 4.1 The way in which clients are received throughout the Department will have a bearing on how they subsequently act .
23 First , there are a priori grounds for supposing that it would be inefficient to have a production system in which words are accessed before the constituent in which they are to appear .
24 Obviously the choice of which words are included in the look-up word list is paramount to the efficiency of the system .
25 So , providing you say yes there will be occasions when the machine can take over some sort of part of the teacher 's role , then fair enough , yes , but I think one of the interesting ways in which computers are used at the present time , particularly again in the primary school , is as orchestrators of group work .
26 The study reviews the extent to which computers are used in the industry and the institutional responses to the need for changes in technician training .
27 One research team keeps a record of which computers are attached to the network at any time .
28 Heath has proposed an alternative ‘ fullerene-road ’ scheme in which fullerenes are formed in the size range of 30–40 carbon atoms and grow by the addition of small carbon radicals .
29 They would have been less well advised to move from temporary obligation to redemption if they had had to wait for the money which the peasants owed them , but the government realized that peasants were in no position to redeem their obligations overnight and advanced most of the money to which nobles were entitled in the form of interest-bearing bonds .
30 This procedure involves the bank in accepting full liability to pay the bill on maturity and this is granted subject to the terms on which bills are drawn by the company .
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