Example sentences of "which [noun pl] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 However , the proportions in which elements are produced in the big bang depend on the number of types of neutrino ( the neutrinos play a role in moving energy around the fireball ) .
32 These small communities are usually situated close to rivers and streams , along the sides of which gardens are cleared from the bush .
33 In terms of the Chart this means controlling the order in which hypotheses are taken off the Agenda and added to the search space .
34 I remember watching the television report showing him standing over a map in the local Party headquarters , sweeping his hand across it presumably indicating which areas were to disappear from the face of the earth .
35 The cabinet that was announced on December 29th is like most other Japanese cabinets in which posts are distributed among the main factions according to their size .
36 The general point here is that ‘ class ’ as a cultural phenomenon in British society , as a form of broad and loose social collectivity , is not only quite distinct from the classical Marxist conception in which classes are defined on the basis of property relations — neither is it reducible to the sociological conception of ‘ occupational class ’ .
37 Now consider an alternative model in which equation ( 3.14 ) is still the true process determining Y t , but in which expectations are formed in the following irrational way : where the 's are coefficients , and is an irrational expectation of Y t formed in period t - 1 .
38 Children with ABL can not absorb fat because they lack the lipoproteins in which fats are carried from the small intestine into the bloodstream .
39 They are the medium by which messages are sent along the nerves ; they are discharged whenever muscles contract .
40 I ca n't remember which days were allocated to the other rooms , but Friday , Kitchen-day , was unforgettable .
41 In later years , for example , attempts were made in 1930 , 1932 , 1936 , 1938 , 1944 , 1948 , 1952 , 1962 and since then , to establish it but the frequency with which resolutions were passed on the subject reveals the intractable nature of the problem . )
42 Here , after a campaign has been running for some time , a sample survey is used , in which questions are asked about the brands in the market in question :
43 Their demands were to have a radical effect on British livestock on a national basis and a massive trade developed in which cattle were reared in the more remote northern and western regions , sent in droves to fatten on grass and turnips in the Midlands , Norfolk , Essex , Hertfordshire , Middlesex and Surrey , and thence to London 's slaughterhouses in due course .
44 Part of the celebration of the feast consisted of a learned discussion in which passages were read from the Koran on which the assembled scholars gave .
45 There have been recent increases in the extent to which tenancies are registered in the names of both parties , again of benefit to the woman .
46 This is because a significant factor is the degree to which assumptions are built into the information system and thereby influence and affect the decision making .
47 The Treaty provisions endeavour to establish a system of workable competition to maintain a choice for consumers , purchasers and suppliers , and to ensure that market entry remains unhindered by anti-competitive practices while at the same time supply and demand are allowed to operate freely , so ensuring that the prices at which goods are sold in the market place are competitive .
48 It had also begun open-top chamber experiments in which pollutants are filtered from the air so that tree growth can be compared in ‘ ambient ’ ( polluted ) and clean conditions .
49 Analysis of the retrieved papers was then carried out to determine which publications were related to the author 's thesis .
50 Analysis of the retrieved papers was then carried out to determine which publications were related to the author 's thesis .
51 The proportions in which partners are to share in the profits of the business will normally be set out in the partnership deed .
52 Among the many reasons for treating palaeolithic cave art as symbolic is the frequency with which representations are superimposed on the same rock surface , a practice used by the Abbé Breuil to construct sequences in the development of the art .
53 Example 4:4 Turnover rent YIELDING AND PAYING THEREFOR by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days : ( 1 ) the annual sum of £ ( " the basic rent " ) ; and ( 2 ) such sum as is calculated in accordance with the Schedule hereto ( " the turnover rent " ) SCHEDULE ( 1 ) In this schedule the following expressions have the following meanings : ( a ) " gross turnover " means the aggregate of all sums : ( i ) received by the tenant in return for goods supplied or services rendered in the course of any trade or business carried on by him in the demised property or partly in the demised property and partly elsewhere ; and ( ii ) payable to the tenant by any person in consideration of the use or occupation of the whole or any part of the demised property ( b ) " a rental year " means a period of twelve calendar months beginning on ( c ) " net turnover " means the gross turnover less : ( i ) any sum actually paid by the tenant to HM Commissioners of Customs and Excise by way of VAT or other tax chargeable on the supply of goods or services ; ( ii ) any sum refunded by the tenant to his customers in respect of defective or unsatisfactory goods or services ; ( iii ) per cent of any sums received by the tenant in return for services for which orders are received at the demised property but are performed wholly elsewhere ( d ) " qualified accountant " means a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales ( 2 ) The turnover rent for a rental year shall be : ( a ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ and ( b ) per cent of the net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year exceeding £ but less than £ ( 3 ) Within one month after the beginning of each rental year ( time being of the essence ) the tenant shall deliver to the landlord a certificate signed by a qualified accountant of the tenant 's gross turnover and net turnover for the year immediately preceding that rental year .
54 We are moving to a system in which patients are accompanied by the money to finance their treatment .
55 However the fact that patients are receiving what is billed a revolutionary treatment , combined with the close medical supervision entailed , and weekly monitoring of blood samples , may well disguise a ‘ Hawthorne ’ effect , in which patients are responding to the process , rather than the drug ( Healy , 1993 ) .
56 Many of the complaints relate to ‘ copy plan ’ agreements under which charges are based on the number of copies made .
57 The course should inform participants which languages are spoken in the country concerned , if English is generally used and whether a local language needs to be learned for business and/or social communication .
58 Only the audiencias , burdened with written procedures in which lawyers were paid by the page , and fulfilling both the functions of an appeal court and a provincial administrative council , recalled the polysynodical system of the great councils .
59 The terms are thereby used to describe the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
60 Centralisation and decentralisation refer to the degree to which authority is delegated in an organisation — and therefore the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
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