Example sentences of "which [pers pn] be [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course the horse named Bess , which I was given had a mind of its own , since it would always be eating and when it was not it only plodded along .
2 One incident in which I was involved followed a report from the pilot of an incoming merchant ship entering the river Thames .
3 In our history lecture I grasped only the most basic nature of this ‘ wunderkinder ’ warrior creed , but it was something which I was to find permeating the Legion at every level .
4 For example , you wish the root directory DUA0 : [ SOFTWARE_LIBRARY ] ( for which you use the concealed logical name LIBRARY$DISK : ) to be changed to $DISK3 : [ CONFIG_MAN ] , for which you are going to use the concealed logical name CM$DISK : .
5 The sense of a family history in which you are compelled to play a part .
6 You may be confronted with some grammar book from which you are required to learn the language , and you must be able to tell whether it is a good one or not .
7 Notice the direction in which you are having to pull the curve on each axis , and move on the ladder of powers accordingly : down in the Y direction ? go down on the ladder of powers with Y , and so on .
8 In a now well-quoted passage from her account , in which she was trying to capture the feeling — commonly reported by schizophrenics — of being flooded by stimulation , she wrote :
9 As she wrung out a cloth which she was using to mop the floor Diana joked : ‘ Beryl , I doubt it .
10 Nevertheless it raises some questions about the ‘ completeness ’ here attained , and the light in which we 're asked to approach the music .
11 And I think this is a pretty critical problem , and of course it 's not only based on Sussex schools , but it 's based on a number of schools throughout the country which we 're studying to see the effects of this programme .
12 er er the the sort of way in which we 're going to recover the
13 But the problems ‘ will only be fully resolved … by an industry-wide restructuring in which we are determined to play an active part ’ , he added .
14 As part of those programmes , on which we are committed to spend a further £1,400 million over the next three years , we are demolishing or redesigning tower blocks and deck access estates , rebuilding on a more human scale .
15 My present concern , however , is with the contribution of metaphor and simile to the meaning of the novel , and specifically with the ways in which they are deployed to reflect the developing linguistic and intellectual abilities of the characters .
16 This is then used to feed the rabbits which they are producing to provide a valuable source of protein .
17 The way in which they are applied has a crucial effect and having determined ratios between chemical and kinetic energy and heat it is important that a full allowance is made for the time required .
18 MPs live sheltered lives in which they are encouraged to take a gentle interest in the passing political scene .
19 The Yorkshire region 's current situation ensures that new safety representatives are invited to a two day introduction course from which they are encouraged to attend a health and safety course at National College .
20 Some colleagues wrote to us to point out that the format of the main LITE questionnaire did not contain room for the kind of statements and categories which could display the situation in which they were working to develop the competence of their colleagues , both to enhance the strategies for promoting community languages in their area , and to raise general awareness of the deep educational implications of linguistic diversity .
21 The room in which they were sitting underwent the curious shrinking process to which it was subject whenever he was reminded of Wyvis Hall or his Uncle Hilbert or even if the county of Suffolk were mentioned .
22 At this stage the bill was not printed but the sponsors explained why they felt legislation was necessary and the lines on which they were planning to draft the measure .
23 preferred to play safe and order bodies which could be transferred to a narrow gauge system if the standard gauge system for which they were ordered proved a failure .
24 It was presented to them as a detective game in which they were encouraged to help the Pink Panther to solve some mysteries .
25 Unfortunately , an examination of the circumstances in which they were produced gives a much less favourable impression .
26 He has put down a Commons motion condemning the Defence Secretary for ‘ the arbitrary action which he is taking to extinguish the ancient rights of common [ … ] for political reasons to prevent the women 's peace camp from continuing their peaceful demonstrations ’ .
27 The Ministry is one for which Mr Toubon has long been prepared and in which he is determined to make a mark , despite the obvious difficulties of taking over from such an active and popular man as Jack Lang .
28 MICHAEL CRAWFORD , after playing for years a succession of wistful or gormless youths , last night took on a role in which he is required to age a quarter of a century .
29 This option presents the user with the list of packages for which he is required to endorse the SSR .
30 Privately British officials believe Mr Patten will now have to endure a barrage of criticism from China over the next few weeks , following Prime Minister Li Peng 's report to the 8th National Party Congress next Monday at which he is expected to lambast the colonial administration for trying to subvert China with western-style democracy .
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