Example sentences of "which [pron] had been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Much interest was expressed from personnel across the system in the work in which I had been involved over the last eleven years with Queensland Catholic Education .
2 When I was eighteen I came in contact with the Catholic Crusade which was a rather left wing Christian Socialist Organization and I found that their attitude to problems contained the answers for which I had been searching for a good many years tell me when you want me to raise something .
3 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
4 The plain fact of the matter , snobbish though it may sound , was that they were both unintelligent and ill-educated in comparison to myself , belonging as they did to a different social class from the one into which I had been co-opted at school .
5 It dealt with something about which I had been writing to Social Security Ministers for about six months — abuse of the benefit-in-kind regulations , whereby highly paid people were paying themselves in gilt unit trusts .
6 What I experienced as I fell on my knees was a metaphor — I saw the technological society into which I had been born as a Frankenstein body from which the spirit was missing .
7 I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years .
8 Intending to be a priest of the Church of England , I lost my faith , slowly but painfully , and at the end of the summer left Oxford and the house in Norham Gardens in which I had been living for two years and in which , by a curious turn of fortune , my office now is .
9 The canyon ran parallel to the continuation of the wadi which I had been following for days .
10 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
11 I was interested in the thing in B A I E news which you had been talking about getting grants for people to do it
12 Marx argues in many places , but most clearly in the Preface to the Critique of Political Economy , that the source of the destruction of the capitalist system would come from the fact that the social system which itself had been created in order to work the factories and markets of capitalism would become increasingly incompatible with the technological requirements of these factories and markets , and that ultimately this incompatibility would lead to revolution .
13 I was dispatched to the grammar school , which itself had been evacuated from the big city to a small town .
14 Martha longed to show off her advancement in reading and writing , for which she had been noted in the valley , and was bewildered and humiliated when she could make no sense of the books she was given .
15 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
16 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
17 Of which she had been doing as Liz left the car .
18 This script began with Aunt Lilian 's release from the shabby asylum in which she had been held for decades .
19 ‘ Fred ’ as she was called on the circuit , played no less than 26 Federation and Wightman Cup rubbers for Britain , before directing her sporting talents , in a competitive sense , increasingly towards golf to which she had been introduced by her devoted husband Keith , himself a former leading British tennis junior .
20 These were the ordinary things from which she had been protected by her money and her ill health .
21 Although she could have sworn she had blacked out , she still somehow recalled the journey on which she had been taken by the tall man and a few others .
22 If his hair swayed into her face as they settled in the bus she wanted to hold it , to rub her cheek on it , to put it to her lips , and she thought there would be no pleasure in the world like giving in to him , which she had been anticipating with impatience but anxiety for so long .
23 After the depressing makeshifts to which she had been reduced by British rationing , the sensation of wonderful materials against her skin was almost as pleasing as the vendeuse 's comments about ‘ Madame 's wonderful figure ’ and striking face .
24 Turning her head round to see what the pain could be , Pepita had seen the spider scuttle back into the crate from which she had been thrown with the bananas .
25 I cycled to school one morning through streets littered with glass , and past a little Nonconformist chapel , in which everything had been destroyed except the far wall with its multi-coloured and scrolled message ‘ God is Love ’ .
26 And in understanding the old picture so vividly , he has prepared us to appreciate , and to understand , many things which we either could not previously have hoped to understand , or which we had been looking at with half-open eyes .
27 what instructions had been given to the architects as to the ground they were to cover ; how far Parliament would be bound by the decision of the Commission [ of Judges ] ; and how we were to guard ourselves against an expenditure which we had been told by high authority would amount to not much less than £5,000,000 or £6,000,000 …
28 A small hole was dug , the cigarette buried , songs sung over the grave and then the whole procession wended its w ? y round the field four times singing the funeral march from Aida , which we had been practising for a week .
29 Hamilton greeted him with emotional thanks and immediately surrendered our papers : our little Nansen passport , our Portuguese visa , even the ticket coupon with which we had been issued at the harbour of Salerno .
30 Also , of course , the ferment in the universities was in part a revolt against the technocratic role which they had been assigned in the Wilsonian scheme of things .
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