Example sentences of "which [modal v] [verb] [pron] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 YEOVIL TOWN captain Mark Shail was heartbroken last night over the rash moment which may cost him the chance of playing in the dream FA Cup tie against Arsenal .
2 There 's a batch mark which should give you the date of manufacture , but you 'd have to get that from the factory , or perhaps through the Ministry of Defence .
3 It is therefore essential to examine the expert clause which should state who the expert is to be , whether : ( 1 ) a named individual ( see 9.3 ) ; or ( 2 ) a named firm or company ( see 9.3 ) ; or ( 3 ) the individual , firm or company holding a particular position ( see 9.4 ) ; or ( 4 ) a member of a particular profession or a holder of a particular academic or professional qualification ( see 9.5 ) ; and whether ( 5 ) there are any special criteria for the expert 's suitability ( see 9.6 ) .
4 The researcher can then produce a brief for the creative team which should include what the status of the product is seen to be , who their consumers are , what the advertising is supposed to be doing and a whole host of other basic data .
5 There is a danger that shrewd private landlords will go for short assured tenancies ( 4–5 years ) which would give them the right to get rid of tenants ( including those with dementia ) when the lease runs out .
6 I have a Roland U220 which would give me the sounds I want although I know it would not give me the great note-sequence loops which McLaughlin uses so beautifully .
7 The tenant having died , his daughter sought to rely on the provisions which would give her the right to succeed to the statutory tenancy .
8 Area manager Beth Robinson says : ‘ Our business in Finaghy has steadily increased year by year and for some time we have been looking for premises , in a prominent location , which would give us the space we now need .
9 Your selection to receive this invitation , and the allocation , exclusively to you , of seven numbers that you alone can enter in the draw , means that you could be just one step away from winning the first prize in this £40,000 draw — which would give you the choice that I mentioned between a lump sum and an income for life .
10 This means that you should not turn up in casual clothes which express your out-of-work personality , enchanting as that may be , nor should you wear the sort of ‘ best ’ clothes which would make you the star at a party but which are patently unsuitable for day-today working situations .
11 The qualification has been designed to make it possible for candidates to select modules which will give them the equivalent of at least three Highers in arts or social science areas .
12 May I invite the Minister to come to Monmouth to discuss those problems with the farmers there , which will give him the opportunity to assure them that he is seeking to protect their interests ?
13 She says the Liberal Democrats came a close second last time and believes the mood on the ground is one of dissatisfaction with the Conservatives which will give her the swing needed to gain the seat .
14 You may like the ‘ sampler ’ style which will give you the opportunity to experiment with lots of different shapes and colours , knitting rows of different plants and animals across a garment .
15 A normal 2¼ does not run out of steam at 60mph Check that on full throttle the carb is actually on full throttle 24v distributors do not have provision for a vacuum ignition timing advance only a mechanical system which is prone to failure Also as the 24v plugs are very expensive these are seldom changed once out of the forces A cure this You do not comment on the general state of the engine possibly a decoke , piston rings and cylinder head skim ( up to 65 thousandsths of an inch ) which will give you the performance and reliability you require
16 With the diameter of the sphere measured all you have to do is return to your school days to do a bit of geometry involving pi ( πD ) , which will give you the circumference .
17 You can consult the index of the book , which will give you the page number required .
18 We are also focusing on exploration projects which will give us the opportunity to find larger oil and gas deposits at lower costs .
19 Are there any dead leaves on the ground which will tell us the kind of leaf which will soon clothe the tree ?
20 We should not expect that research will come up with recipes and remedies which will work whatever the circumstances .
21 It is partly because they are desperate to divert attention from the recession — which they created , from which they can not escape and which will lose them the election — and partly because they are desperate to conceal the enormity of what they have done in wilfully impoverishing the poorer half of the nation .
22 The Argentine RU seems to be the only one which can allow itself the luxury of having half a team of top internationals watching the game ’ .
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