Example sentences of "which [be] then [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Images are presented electrically to an optoelectronic array as a bit pattern which are then sent in parallel by the device to a laser beam .
2 These books , suitably adorned with glossy illustrations of exotic customs and part naked ladies , discourse at large upon a variety of supposedly universal characteristics of human culture which are then exemplified by thumbnail sketches of ethnographic miscellanea derived at third or fourth hand from a job lot of long ago anthropological monographs .
3 The learner may be regarded as a resource person by encouraging intercommunication between learners in role playing , and experiential learning , which are then followed by discussion and analysis of the effectiveness of the situation enacted , and the feelings which were generated towards each other .
4 Thus suggestions are initiated from the top which are then presented in detail by lower level employees in order to make acceptance of their consequences a less troublesome process .
5 Internal injuries are detected through magnetic forces which are then relayed onto computer screens .
6 The CONTAINS relationships , which will specifically SELECT actual issue numbers , are generated in 00.01A versions of the packages , which are then entered into LIFESPAN .
7 The resulting chemical reaction gives off fluorine compounds and hydrochloric acid , which are then neutralized with sodium hydroxide to produce harmless substances such as fluorspar ( calcium fluoride ) , salt and sodium bicarbonate .
8 Britain , it is suggested , suffers from an adversary form of Politics , in which a party formulates in opposition — largely for ideological and electorally opportunist reasons — the policies which are then carried into government .
9 The chaotic policy of subsidies has also led to the scandal of vast food mountains which taxpayers have to foot the bill to store — and which are then dumped at cut price on the world market .
10 Unlike previous qualifications , NVQs will not be acquired by means of set examinations , which are then marked by college lecturers and then verified by a visiting assessor .
11 Teachers and their pupils commented on the initial drafts of the tests which were then revised in preparation for wider scale trials in schools which were to become associated with the project in its second phase from September 1984 .
12 The supernatant containing platelets and white blood cells was centrifuged to separate the leucocytes which were then resuspended in cell free plasma .
13 When the toilet is flushed , air is sucked out of the waste pipe , creating a vacuum , which is then filled with water from the cistern .
14 Powder systems either have a facility to pressurise the detergent drum , into which water is fed to solubilize the powder which is then fed by air pressure to the dispenser pump , or sachet filled hoppers which are auger fed into a chamber where water is mixed and thence to the delivery pump .
15 Indeed , some hospitals have begun to experiment with providing complete physical rest as central to a treatment programme for cardiac cases , which is then followed by instruction on relaxation techniques through which people may be more effective in controlling anxiety ( e.g. Charing Cross Hospital , London ) .
16 Active rifting , on the other hand , would be expected to begin with volcanism which is then followed by uplift before rifting itself is finally initiated ; but in some cases uplift seems to precede volcanism .
17 The interior is covered with plasterboard which is then skimmed with plaster so that when the house is finished it is impossible to distinguish visually between this and the traditional structure where the load-bearing walls are solid brick or concrete blocks .
18 Trust begins with personal integrity which is then shared in marriage too .
19 … there was , of course , a dispute between the parties at the time in question in the sense that they could not agree on the amount of the yearly rent ; but it was not a dispute in which each had formulated a view which was then placed for decision before the independent surveyor .
20 For the burning of Rome shots , Ray Cusick , working on his only historical Doctor Who , was lucky enough to pick up , quite by chance , an ex-exhibition architect 's model of a colonnaded city which was then cremated on cue , with added flame effects overlaid on top of the recording to make the conflagration look even more spectacular .
21 It 's important that , for those of you sort of who are more into the sort of detailed arguments that are going on , it 's significant that whatever else was the case , this did not happen as a result of a single major mutation which was then established by selection , because Williamson 's got lots of intermediate populations .
22 WPC Wendy Tinkler climbed into the wheelie-bin , which was then sealed with tape .
23 At night the beaches flamed with bonfires lit to extract lime from the coral , which was then mixed with coconut oil to form the white cement with which the hulls were caulked .
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