Example sentences of "which [be] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 All over the northern Highlands are shreds of birch and hazel woodland which are perceptibly decaying under grazing pressure from under-culled red deer and unenclosed sheep .
2 Should not we as a practical matter offer them the facilities of Burghfield and Dounreay to do something about the beryllium and other toxic compounds which are doubtless leaking from ill-maintained equipment ?
3 That would include animals which are wild coming from other countries .
4 Normally the ‘ illegals ’ are handed back to China on the border almost daily , but Peking now says it will check each case , a move expected to slow repatriation to a trickle and put further pressure on the Territory 's detention centres , which are already overflowing with Vietnamese boat people .
5 This is a headache for the world 's uranium producers , which are already suffering from depressed uranium prices .
6 Sunset industries in Western economies include the old heavy industries such as steel and shipbuilding which are now suffering from massive excess capacity as these industries have been undercut by more efficient producers in the Pacific basin .
7 I nibble a few agreeably soft haws , whose flesh always reminds me of slightly overripe avocado pear , then start on the blackberries , which are still swelling in good numbers , despite all those saws about not picking them after Michaelmas .
8 In this project , we selected firms whose representatives constituted the Organization of Work panel of the British Institute of Management , companies which were self-consciously experimenting with new patterns of work organization ( British Institute of Management , 1985 ) .
9 Amongst other things , the consultants recommended the adoption of a housing policy to cope with the increasing number of planning applications for private houses which were then coming from recently-arrived oil-workers and newly-prosperous Orcadians , as well as the likelihood of even more applications in the future .
10 Public accountability and transparency might be assisted by opening up the negotiation process between Central and Local government to participation by disinterested , knowledgeable parties and to non-expert advisors who could seek to ensure transparency , which is manifestly lacking in current procedures , particularly for the assessment of Grant Related Expenditure .
11 My own reaction , as the latest sickening episode even exceeds in depravity and licentiousness the grossness of the last one , is that I no longer wish to be associated with a UK Government which is so lacking in moral leadership , compassion , wisdom and humanity that it can allow such a situation to continue to exist , while having the capacity to intervene .
12 Cracks in the temple of Hibis in the el-Kharga oasis in the Libyan desert have widened , giving urgency to the plan to move the temple which was already suffering from underground water seepage .
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