Example sentences of "which [be] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 The warehouses are organised in a hierarchical manner with a central one buying from satellite warehouses , which are situated in the poorer residential areas of Cali , so that they are near the homes of the garbage pickers .
2 Consequently , if it is necessary to redeploy employees to posts which are graded at a lower salary than the employees original posts , the contractual earnings of such employees will be protected .
3 Torrina also discusses the original portrait and landscape drawings , which are executed in a freer , more intimate style .
4 The pleats are formed by pulling on cords which are attached to the lower row of rings at the lath position above the bottom pelmet , and which pass up through the rings .
5 So , yes there is ‘ bad ’ cholesterol , the LDL which are associated with a greater risk of heart disease , and ‘ good ’ cholesterol , the HDL which appear to have a protective effect .
6 It makes better sense as a macellum , or market building , several of which are known in the larger towns of Britain , as well as in some Rhine and Danube frontier towns .
7 The bass is handled by a pair of high grade bass cone units of not quite conventional design which are housed in the lower half of the enclosure .
8 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
9 The problem is that Reich only took half of Freud 's theory , and ignored the role of the death instincts which were developed in the later theory of psychoanalysis .
10 Potential inferences which were disconfirmed by a later statement were invariably rejected , and inferences which were neither confirmed nor disconfirmed were falsely identified as often as they had been in the neutral condition .
11 Other field crops included peas and beans before the sixteenth to seventeenth centuries and , later on , numerous new introductions , some of which would have been grown earlier as garden produce but which were grown on a larger scale from the seventeenth and particularly eighteenth centuries .
12 The drawings represent a selection of the museum 's outstanding holdings which were shown in a larger exhibition of the same title at the British Museum in 1986 .
13 In particular , it will further extend the use of in-depth discussion groups which were pioneered in an earlier study of popular vales for open space which was funded by the ESRC and the Countryside commission between 1985-7 .
14 They also have a number of plastic air powered ornaments which were included in an earlier review .
15 It has a narrow Norman tower , the battlements of which were added at a later date .
16 He argued that the distribution of Iron Age and Roman sites on the Grovely ridge near Salisbury suggested territories which were reflected in the later parish boundaries .
17 Two of them , Pompeii and Herculaneum , which were located on the lower flanks of Vesuvius , were particularly badly shaken by the shocks , and some damage was done , but the townspeople were not especially alarmed .
18 The opulent lounge , with monumental wooden fireplace , the bar , with tasteful vaulted ceiling , and the luminous dining-room are housed in the old mansion which is connected to a larger , modern building which houses the bedrooms .
19 Females have two equal sex chromosomes , called ‘ X ’ , but males have only one X chromosome , which is partnered by a smaller one , the Y chromosome .
20 In the same way when the are used to describe flow in fluids a " normal stress ' term appears which is ignored in the simpler Newtonian assumption that the shearing stress in fluids is proportional to the rate of strain .
21 It is a fact of human personality that the argument which is supported by the greater weight of evidence does not always win the day ; people do not like to be proved wrong .
22 In the Dusun language every clause has to have a grammatically marked topic ( i.e. the person or thing about which something is said ) , which is determined by the larger context ( at discourse level ) .
23 Nothing is quite an adequate substitute … social service departments should make every effort to support and assist the family which is caring for an older member ’ .
24 In contrast , this Y , where " Y " is a proper name for a unit included in the larger calendrical span Z , will often mean " that unit Y which is included in the larger span Z which includes CT " .
25 One botfly known to parasitise humans is Dermatobia hominis , which is found in the warmer parts of the New World .
26 The overall figures and the implications for land rest heavily on the role to be played by slum clearance , the need for which must be greater than current rates ( an issue which is discussed in a later section on housing ) .
27 Ms Nancy Lazar , an economist at C.J. Lawrence , views this as a better measure than M2 , which is growing at a faster 6.1% year-on-year : deposits have been flowing out of savings and loan institutions , which do not show up in M2 , and into banks , which do .
28 The result is that once those who are unable to purchase have negotiated their way through the labyrinthine and highly variable eligibility rules to achieve a place on a council housing waiting list , they join a queue which is growing at a faster rate than addition to the council housing stock and which in some cases even exceeds the total number of families housed by the district council .
29 Fuel load also increases from 40 to 50 gallons , some of which is needed by the larger engine , but this does increase range to 560 nautical miles , respectable for a touring aircraft .
30 The absorber covered a scintillator which was viewed by a photomultiplier .
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