Example sentences of "which [verb] for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Critics ascribed the rise in currency to the current trade surplus and high domestic interest rates rather than the impact of foreign investment funds , which account for a small proportion of equity investment .
2 The following set of figures shows new fixed-sum and other retail credit as a percentage of the total volume of spending on clothing and shoes , durables ( including electrical goods and furniture ) and cars and motorcycles , which account for the great bulk of this type of credit :
3 Key resources are technical personnel and aircraft spare parts which account for the largest share of the maintenance budget .
4 Though this is good news for American and Japanese firms , who share a paltry 11% slice of the luxury market , it is disastrous for European companies which account for the remaining 89% of sales ( see chart on next page ) , but which sell nearly half of all their fancy products in America or Japan .
5 Owing to their deep-rooted hostility towards the very concept of involuntary unemployment and their a priori conviction that the labour market clears ‘ more or less continuously ’ , new classical macroeconomists are driven to look beyond this obvious explanation towards hypotheses which account for the acknowledged phenomenon of business cycles while at the same time preserving intact their beliefs in the robustness of all markets , including the labour market .
6 The Special Discount is being continued on the same basis ( see page 2 ) and for those policies which qualify for the first time the increase is offset by approximately 6% .
7 The Front comprised political and religious organizations and parties based in Iraq and Jordan , including the Moslem Brotherhood , which agreed for the first time to co-operate without preconditions with nationalist and non-religious groups .
8 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
9 In what follows I will argue that there are specific financial advantages for Japanese firms which compensate for the presumed loss of efficiency that accompanied the shift away from the model of atomistic competition proposed in the reforms of the US Occupation .
10 Now reference was made to the police finance working party which met for a long period of time , and unfortunately made no progress whatsoever in zero base budgeting .
11 The Company 's hint was taken , and on 6th July the Charity Commissioners approved the new Board , which met for the first time twelve days later and agreed to advertise for a Headmaster who — after all the fuss and contrary to what may have been expected — was required to be an Anglican clergyman !
12 They were too alike , they annoyed and inflamed each other now and then , which made for a tricky situation .
13 Green also anxiously records bouts of measles , his youngest son Thomas having fits as a baby , and Joshua being troubled with erysipelas , which made for a tiring journey for him back to Keswick .
14 Legislative power is vested in a unicameral National Assembly which sits for a five-year term and consists of six appointed senators and 15 popularly elected representatives .
15 Although it is the traditional culture which continues to manage the western world , Snow argued , only science can feed that world , create wealth , provide hope for the poor and the sick , and forge the essential links between intellect and practicality which make for a proper wisdom and awareness of moral and social issues .
16 Alan Pugh is the secretary of another group of initials , BFICC , which stands for the British Facsimile Industry Consultative Committee .
17 ( iii ) Limitation of liability.It has been said that the courts tend to view clauses which limit liability more favourably than those which provide for a total exclusion .
18 stage 3 modules which provide for a wider range of opportunities for science specialisation .
19 On Aug. 2 Nakayama and his Lao counterpart , Gen. Phoune Sipaseuth , signed three economic aid agreements which provided for a Japanese aid package to Laos totalling 1,636,630,000 yen ( approximately US$11,000,000 ) .
20 A 36-day strike by workers in the mining and metallurgical industry over wages and conditions was ended by an agreement on July 23 , 1990 , which provided for a substantial wages and conditions package , payment during the strike and a one-off cash payment .
21 The recommendations of the Commission were not entirely adopted , but they did have an impact on the Budget and Accounting Procedures Act 1950 , which provided for a federal budget based on the functions and activities of the government .
22 In a series of meetings in early 1990 the government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh pressed for more rapid progress even than that envisaged by the Aden declaration of Nov. 30 , 1989 , which provided for a formal declaration of a unified Yemen Republic on Nov. 30 , 1990 .
23 A referendum on June 28 endorsed the draft constitution elaborated by the Constituent Assembly [ see pp. 38420 ; 38585 ] , which provided for a parliamentary system with a strong presidency .
24 Meanwhile , talks were also continuing in Vienna on the implementation of the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) , which had been signed in November 1990 by 22 states from eastern Europe and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation ( NATO ) [ see pp. 37838 ; 38255 ; 38458 ] , and which provided for a multilateral reduction of troop deployment levels in Europe as well as a general reduction of conventional weapons stockpiles .
25 Miloš and Marasli negotiated a settlement which provided for a Serbian administration , based on a national council of the knezovi of each of the twelve nahijes , who in their own districts would work alongside a Turkish administrator ( müsellim ) .
26 The conflict was only resolved in late November when Spitaels and Deprez , leaders of the PS and PSC respectively , signed a declaration promising to ensure the financing of the measures decided , which provided for a monthly salary increase of BF2,000 from April 1991 and a further rise of 4 per cent from October 1992 .
27 A new constitution came into effect on Nov. 30 , 1990 , which provided for a multiparty system , direct elections and a free market economy , and dropped the designation People 's Republic , the country 's formal title becoming simply the Republic of Mozambique [ see pp. 37843-44 ] .
28 All were charged under the National Security Law which provided for a maximum penalty of death by hanging .
29 The so-called Endeavour Accord , which provided for the immediate lifting of the blockade and for the restoration of communications , education , health and power services , was reached after the two sides agreed to set aside the independence question for further talks within the next eight weeks .
30 Inoue reached an agreement on revision which provided for the legal system to be Westernized along approved lines , foreign judges to sit in cases involving non-Japanese nationals , and for tariffs to be raised without the achievement of tariff autonomy .
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