Example sentences of "which [verb] [prep] [noun] on [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The new Bill , which goes before Parliament on November 16 , says unions will also have to give written notice to employers of every worker who will be called on to take industrial action .
2 A communiqué issued on behalf of a steering group of the Ministers and central bank governor of the Group of Ten ( G-10 ) industrial economies ( the G-7 contries plus Belgium , the Netherlands , Sweden and Switzerland ) , which met in Washington on April 29 , called on central and east European countries to abandon " gradualism " and adopt the Polish model of economic reform .
3 The obstruction of the peace process by the Khmers Rouges was repeatedly condemned at a Ministerial Conference on the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Cambodia which met in Tokyo on June 22 .
4 The first set of amendments , which entered into force on Oct. 22 , 1989 , covered the provision of leak-detection systems or closed-circuit television to warn the crew if cargo doors had been left open .
5 The second set of amendments , which entered into force on April 29 , 1990 , stated that all cargo doors had to be closed and locked before or immediately after the vessel left its berth , and that ships ' masters had to check trim and stability before departure .
6 Under regulations which entered into force on Nov. 13 , the Protestant , Jewish and Moslem faiths were granted equal status with Roman Catholicism in every respect including religious instruction in schools , church marriages and tax rights and benefits .
7 [ See p. 36714 for EC-GCC co-operation agreement signed in June 1988 , which entered into force on Jan. 1 , 1990 . ]
8 A new Constitution which entered into effect on Oct. 6 , 1988 , scheduled direct presidential elections and confirmed a five-year presidential term .
9 Also on this weekend , but not involving any North Wales clubs , is the annual Welsh Castles Relay , which starts at Caernarfon on Saturday and finishes in Cardiff on Sunday afternoon .
10 Chasing a target of 182 off 45 overs , New Zealand finished on 164–7 in the first of two one-day warm-up games before the first Test which starts in Colombo on Friday .
11 The weighty document outlines a number of important areas to be covered at the public inquiry which starts in Northallerton on May 19 .
12 The inquiry , which starts in Northallerton on May 19 , is expected to last two months although the inspector 's decision is not likely to be known until early 1993 .
13 Despite a ceasefire declared by the Amal leader ( and Minister in the Hoss Cabinet ) Nabbi Berri which came into force on April 23 , fighting continued into May , with an Amal military commander , Ayyad Ayyad , being killed on May 2 .
14 Under a series of waste disposal laws which came into force on April 1 , companies are responsible for ensuring that any waste they produce or handle is not " treated , kept or disposed of … in a manner likely to cause pollution of the environment or harm to human health " .
15 A law which came into force on March 1 required all yakuza groups to register themselves with the local authorities as criminal organizations , so that they could be better supervised ; in practice , most were reported to have re-formed themselves as limited companies instead .
16 Welcoming the Programme of Action adopted by the General Assembly in February 1990 [ see p. 37268 ] and the Declaration of the Ministerial Meeting to Reduce Demand for Drugs , held in London in April 1990 [ see p. 37394 ] , Resolution 45/146 of Dec. 18 , adopted without a vote , renewed its call to all states to ratify the 1988 UN Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances [ see p. 36379 ; 37434 ] which came into force on Nov. 11 , 1990 .
17 Commuters behind the campaign against the smoking ban , which came into force on Monday , have called their group PUFFS — Passengers United For the Freedom to Smoke .
18 The reform , which came into force on Jan. 1 , 1990 , allowed the option of civil marriage and provided for family law courts to rule on divorce cases which until then had been decided by church courts .
19 He said a new Act which came into force on Wednesday would mean magistrates could impose five-year sentences on joyriders and treat passengers in the car equally severely .
20 The Criminal Law Amendment Act which came into effect on July 27 , 1990 , provided notably for a right of appeal of all those condemned to death ( including those already on death row before the new law came into effect ) .
21 Under the new Constitution , which came into effect on July 13 , Bulgaria was defined as a republic with a parliamentary form of government and as a " democratic , constitutional and welfare state " .
22 According to Consort Hotels ' David Sankey , the EC Package Directive ( Package Travel , Package Holiday and Package Tour Regulations 1992 ) , which came into effect on April 1 ( Hospitality , April 1993 ) , is a reminder of the early days of VAT .
23 A leaflet explaining how disabled people may qualify for the new disability living allowance , which came into effect on Monday , has been produced by Stockton Borough Council for distribution to 75,000 households .
24 All-rounder Tom Moody and injury-plagued fast bowler Bruce Reid are both left out of a squad which arrives in England on April 25 .
25 She then departs that day for a 15-night Mediterranean cruise , returning to the Mersey on September 29 and leaving that day for a 14-night Canaries and North Africa cruise which terminates at Southampton on October 13 .
26 The liner will depart from Tilbury on August 31 for a Norwegian fjords cruise which terminates at Liverpool on September 14 .
27 This latest incident , involving the sixth IAEA team which arrived in Iraq on Sept. 22 , occurred when armed guards prevented some inspectors from leaving the premises of an office block in the centre of Baghdad , the capital , where , on Sept. 24 , they claimed to have discovered evidence of an Iraqi uranium enrichment programme based on sophisticated centrifuge technology .
28 The destruction within two weeks of Iraq 's stockpiles of nerve and mustard gas was announced on Sept. 12 by Ron Manley , head of a team of UN chemical experts which arrived in Iraq on Sept. 5 .
29 Courtaulds was the main contractor for a £5.2 million chemicals plant for Norsk Hydro which opened on Humberside on England 's east coast in March .
30 At a World Bank meeting which opened in Paris on March 27 the main donor countries for Africa discussed the co-ordination of relief efforts and the effect of debt on African efforts to cope with the deteriorating food situation .
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